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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Just a quick one: I'm looking for a looper to plug in a mic, and an acoutic guitar and a guitar. I want the following signal paths: mic-looper-PA system Acoustic-looper-PA system Guitar-amp-amp effects out-looper-amp effects in I want to be able to loop mic and acoustic OR mic and Guitar. I will never need to loop electric and acoustic together... Is this possible with one loop pedal? Maybe the boss RC-30?
  2. Reddi seems a good option! I've got a custom built ABY box so DI and use an amp for monitoring sounds the way forward! Thanks everyone for your advice! Might see if I can borrow a few DI's off mates, £650 seems a lot for a DI box... Will give a few a try first I think... Thanks again Aaron
  3. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1379875866' post='2217716'] A good engineer should be able to achieve satisfying results with either method. It's more a question of how much faffing about you want to do. People buy high end gear to save them time. It doesn't mean decent results can't be achieved with cheaper equipment if you have the time and a willingness to learn. Some engineers use both methods and mic the amp from a distance to capture a little ambience. Do you need to do a little more research on what recording approaches are appropriate for the music and end result you are seeking? [size=4][/quote][/size] I think I do need to do a little more research. I am relatively new to recording, but am pretty happy with my recordings guitar and drum wise but haven't got the results I'm after bass wise: hence the question!
  4. Thanks for the advice Kiwi, will this really sound as good/better as a good quality amp recorded with a decent mic? Or is mixing both worthwhile? The article is very good though thankyou!
  5. I'm currently using a mixing desk (Allen&heath) with inbuilt line inputs and have plugged basses directly into it before for recording with 'reasonable but bland' results. Would a DI Box really give me any advantage?
  6. Markbass is looking good, thanks for the links and the welcome discreet! Aaron
  7. Dear Bass players and studio engineers! I have been building a home studio and as a guitarist and drummer mainly, I have just started to pick up bass, I know very little about bass amplification! I am after 'the industry standard/best selling' bass amp, that any bass player would be more than happy to play through for nearly any style! The equivalent of the Fender hot rod deluxe for bass if you will. I have heard the Ampeg B15 is very popular for professional studios, but at £2,700 it's a bit (completely) out of my budget! Under £1000 (new or second hand) would be preferable! Thanks everyone Aaron
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