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Posts posted by JazzBassfreak

  1. [quote name='Meddle' timestamp='1403724863' post='2485707']
    That sound is pretty nuts. If you mean the solo with the wah effect, it sounds like a 3-way split of clean signal, an octave-down effect and a fairly strong wah. This sound won't work as a single chain, you need to do a three-way split.

    I'm abit of a noob at effects..

  2. Right this is annoying me more than I can express. Big Newsted fan blah blah blah, I want that awesome sound he had back in the 80's.


    Past the 8.30 mark in this video. I have a Sansamp and a Digitech Bass Synth and a few bits, but what I don't have is a chorus. The Bass synth seems to suck the bass out of everything and the Morley Power wah I have Is a guitar wah that again sucks the bass out of everything. HELP.


  3. Noticed a lack of bass players on tumblr from the UK and USA, anyone on here got a blog? I know of about 1 person, if so you guys should follow:


    It's run by multiple people and we're all about submissions and helping the followers out by answering bass related questions, go check it out and tell me what you think!


  4. [quote name='Kingbassist' timestamp='1403637793' post='2484858']
    Been umm'ing and ahh'ing about whether to sell this bass for a while now, but I'm going to definitely sell it now.. I've put EMG J pickups in it, for ultimate quietness reasons, but also have the original pickups to include too.. Not a huge job having them swapped back.. The bass is still in brand new condition... Open to sensible offers.. Thanks for looking!

    More pics please factory ones don't show the beauty I'm sure

  5. [quote name='Kev' timestamp='1403028106' post='2479050']
    He seems like a very angry person. There is something about the whole listing I don't like...can't decide what though, other than its general angry tone.

    I also don't like that it has sold (relatively cheaply) twice and yet it is still up for sale, despite his reasons...

    Its been up and sold about 4 times in the last 3 months

  6. [quote name='Bassmachine' timestamp='1403249528' post='2481055']
    Jazzbassfreak i can make a special paint for you in the color you want:)

    Bassman344 its really a nice basses but unfortunately it has to go......

    You seriously would paint this just to sell it? That's a risk!

  7. At my local shop (Pete Oakley's Burton) he does not like people stepping upstairs to look at his stock of guitars, you are certainly not allowed to pick them up and have to ask to try them and are constantly monitered. As for basses...he has a fair sized room he uses for storage next door to the shop, which is always locked. Anyway it has a very big window and you can see guitars hanging on the right hand side of the wall. This is where the basses lye, forever to gather dust. There must be at least 40 or 50 in there, I highly advise customers to shop somewhere else. Both guys who run the place are complete jackasses :)

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