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Posts posted by Ticktock

  1. Great review. As a, dare I say it, "hobby" player I have no need (wants are another matter) for anything larger than this and am more than happy with mine. I originally cobbled together a Y speakon cable but graduated to a DIY 1 in 2 out junction box! which works well. It does indeed keep up with a 60W Marshall guitar combo and a drummer with anger management issues. In fact Mr Drums asked me could I turn it down! It really does sound really good plugged straight in but I still bung things in the signal chain...

  2. I just put the pbx and jx versions in a cheap fretless and I love the sound from them. Check out everything as I want to know how good the ones you have are!

  3. I have never been able to listen to The Smiths.
    I get that the music is good but getting past Morrissey's voice? Nope, I have not been able to do that as yet.
    Also, hoarse vocal-to the point of sounding like harsh static- metal. Cannot abide it. (Hoarse vocal metal, is that a new genre?)

    Snow Patrol. Can't listen to 'em. I know , for me living where I do, they are considered the local team but if I think they are crap then they are. IMO.

    When I was younger I could not abide "powerpop". Then in my thirties I started listening to some of it. (I blame my wife).

  4. New Pedals Day

    The postman delivered two pedals this morning. A dyna comp clone and an alleged Xotic BB clone called "orange burst". Crap name but oh baby do I like it. Both bought from donnerdeal ( skinted not minted ). I had 20 mins with them earlier along with an Ultimate drive (OCD fulltone clone) and my Zoom B3. Compressor, orange burst, ultimate drive, (zoom) chorus, octaver, Gk amp sim ( I have GK MB200). I put on the drum machine and riffed along. With a big grin on my face. Wow. This was on headphones, I can't wait to hear this through the cabs. Not a blend of effects for most of the stuff I would play but my old mates I play with are gonna love it for the balls out crank it up stuff. I am a happy bunny.
    The compressor clone is a compressor, much like the version on my zoom. The bb clone is the same but better, to my ears. So much better actually.

  5. Cheers man, that is very helpful indeed. I know diddly about designing circuits and defer to superior knowledge. I'll be passing on the schematic to "my engineer". He'll be awfully happy things aren't going to be overly complicated by me!

  6. My Dad, being a retired electrician who knows his way round a circuit board has volunteered to build me a valve pre amp. My suggestion totally. He's using the "McTube" design I found online, which ,even to me, looks like a simple circuit. I am thinking about a sweep mid eq type tone stack. Just how much will this complicate things? I'll be happy with "valvey grit" but can't help myself from thinking about it going "one louder", as it were.

  7. At a biker festival, during setup, water dripped through a tarp "roof" into the mixing desk. Finally, when all the gear had been brought out of the van and powered up....... Pop, fizzle. -silence-
    When it was figured out what had happened we realised that being an oufit with bleeps and beats we had no hope of playing. We got out alive, I reversed for a a good few hundred yards up a one track lane between dry stone walls ( talk about high anxiety!) to let an ambulance into the site. I have a permanent knee injury due to trying to push the van out of the mud too.
    I wouldn't play a biker do nowadays unless it was a rock or blues band. The organiser was a mate who worked in electronics, when he heard what had happened the desk his head was in his hands. Still, they were entertained by some dude bending blues notes into the wee small hours. Just a disaster for us.

  8. With regards to the "What do I play?" question and the statement about authors and pens- I have read the same about photographers, they are obsessed with gear when they start out then become so blasé and state that equipment doesn't matter. Finally, when they become proficient at their craft, they get obsessed by gear to see what will give them and edge and make their job easier.........

    I think this is true of any profession.

  9. I started out playing drums. Then I decided that playing drums was too much like hard work, bought a drum machine and a bass guitar. I thought bass would be easy, seeing as there was only four strings and I didn't have to learn to play chords......I laugh heartily at my younger self.
    I never thought, ooh that bass player is Ace, I wanna be them. ( I do now, even though I am old enough to know better ).
    The Police and the Jam featured heavily in my early years as did The Clash. Loved Joy Division and New Order but never felt the need to play like 'ooky. The Joy Division Bass lines are fun to play though.

    Bass is the place.

    (Edited for a typo)

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