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Posts posted by absolutpepper

  1. [quote name='Gust0o' post='1089234' date='Jan 14 2011, 12:43 PM']From experience, if you haven't got a flight case or some really robust packaging, international shipping can cause some sleepless nights; not that Royal Mail are any less likely to stand the thing with the weight on the neck, or drop it down some stairs :)[/quote]

    Exactly, I think the hassle of shipping internationally is not really worth it and I am sure that there will be someone UK based who would be happy to take it.

  2. [quote name='Tait' post='1089163' date='Jan 14 2011, 11:55 AM']I've always been a massive fan of the Mark Hoppus bass and recently finally got my hands on one. I'm glad I got the old one, I really don't like the new ones; the colours don't look right, the reverse pickup just looks wrong, and I prefer the smaller logo.

    To me all the changes they've made have been for the worse. There's literally not a single change I like there. Admittedly I have a reverse P pickup in my Taitycaster, but honestly I don't think it makes that much of a difference and it looks alright there, but not on the Mark Hoppus, it just looks wrong.[/quote]

    I like the string through body...does the original come with that?

  3. BFD Drum module software. This item is no longer produced, but is a truly fantastic piece of software! I am selling it due to no longer needing such a vast array of drum software. Compatible with both windows and OSX, this is a great piece of kit. It can also be upgraded to BFD 2.0. It will be uninstalled and fully de-registered before sale. £50 + PP which will be no more than a fiver within UK.

    FXpansion say:

    "Multiple mic positions and varied, expressive articulations
    Create custom 18-piece kits in seconds
    Freely mix mic channels and route them to any available output
    Damping, tuning and velocity response adjustment
    Plug-in integration with major sequencing environments and MIDI drum triggers
    Large, realistic MIDI Groove library with advanced real-time humanization
    Expandable with add-on packs for even more detail and variety
    Provided as VST, RTAS, AU, DXi and a standalone application, for MacOSX and Windows.

    BFD delivers the power of an 18-piece customisable drumkit directly into your DAW as multi-channel high quality 24 bit audio.

    Multiple microphones capture focused direct signals and lush room ambience, while up to 46 velocity layers and varied articulations contribute to BFD's richly detailed realism. The audio is lovingly recorded at California's Eldorado studios, with an assortment of premium quality mics, preamps and converters.

    The intuitive software interface, provided in virtually all plugin formats and as a standalone application, allows you to mix between the various mic channels and adjust the dynamics of the performance in real time, as well as tweak, tune and dampen the kits for infinite variety. Mix and match drums, cymbals and hihats to your heart's content, and separately bus out the mic channels
    A fully equipped drum studio in the box!
    to your mixing environment for processing. BFD's sophisticated Groove engine even delivers convincing, humanized drumming performances on demand, synchronised to your song tempo.

    BFD lets you forget the hassle of hiring an arsenal of high quality kits, a high-end recording studio, a drummer, a drum-tech and an engineer, leaving you free to get on with writing and mixing great-sounding drums!"

  4. Hi Geoff, thanks for the reply but its really a big gear clearout for me. Thats a great amp system though so good luck with the sale.

    Hi iam, i'm afraid its really only available for domestic UK shipping. I've never really done the international thing and would prefer to avoid the risk of damage, etc.



  5. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='1089074' date='Jan 14 2011, 11:04 AM']I like the pup like that & it looks alright to me (although I wouldn't buy one on the grounds that I'm a similar age to, well, Mark Hoppus himself actually!?!

    Then I saw the bit that said "Mark Hoppus signature Jazz Bass with gig bag: £766.80." A second hand original one normally goes for £300. Say no more[/quote]

    Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I wouldn't say that its significantly different enough to justify the price, also i'm not quite sure where its made, probably MIM.

  6. [url="http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/namm-2011-fender-updates-mark-hoppus-signature-jazz-bass-357808"]http://www.musicradar.com/news/guitars/nam...azz-bass-357808[/url]

    Although not a fan I have to admit I do like the aesthetics of this although i'm not so sure about the choice to reverse the pickup arrangement. An interesting experiment nonetheless, I look forward to hearing how it sounds.

    I do love NAMM time haha.

  7. Its a 5 string mate so wouldn't really match your criteria if you are looking for a narrow neck, etc. Great basses the Sterling range is though. A lot of tone for the money and although i've not tried an SB14 my RAY 35 feels largely identical to an SR5.

  8. SOLD now, thanks

    Hi in an effort to downsize my equipment since i'm currently not gigging I am selling my Custom Flite Bass Cab. I bought it on here about 9 months or so ago from Steviedee and its served me well but now has to move on to clear some space in my flat. Its a great amp...here's the original post from when Stevie purchased it [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44859&hl=flite"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=44859&hl=flite[/url]

    Even though its a relatively lightweight cab I am not keen on posting so collection is very much preferred. Alternatively if someone wishes to arrange a courier themselves I will do what I can at my end.








  9. I'd say a +1 on a Geddy Lee Sig, widely regarded as having one of the best necks Fender currently produce. Also I can vouch for the Sterling by MM range. Great basses. Even though I am selling mine its not because its fallen out of favour, its just because I have WAAAY too much gear haha.

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