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Everything posted by GrahamMacca

  1. Dear All, thanks very much for helping out here and for the info. I'm very sorry that I have not yet been back to reply - a family health crisis (fatyer terminally ill) has had me out of action for the last month. Mine is definitely the Bass series from the mid 1980s (86 I think). I will retrieve the more detailed info re serial number etc which might give us a better idea of value. all the best Graham
  2. Dear All, I hope you are well - I am new to BassChat and looking forward to being part of the community. A while ago, an "ex" left a Marshall JCM 800 head and cab (sorry don't know which one) at my house for me to look after. It is now somewhat getting in the way (I am already fully catered 4 with a Peavey Mark 4 and an old WEM 4x10) so I am looking to shift it. Does anyone know much about these rigs - are they any good? and waht would be a sensible asking price if I were to put it up for sale? all the best and thanks in advance Graham McE
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