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Posts posted by cytania

  1. Yardbirds/Roger The Engineer - bought this because of the Stranglers covering Over Under Sideways Down but it's really grown on me. The Yardbirds have risen in my estimation from PsychBeat also rans to sixties rock must-haves. The rocked up blues are great but I also have a soft spot for Keith Relf's whimsical ditties.

    60s pop psych perfection.

  2. Unbelievable, must be made of magic wood or something.


    I'm thinking of making a jazz bits but this takes the biscuit for beat up and splintered. I can't see any mojo. How did it get like that?

  3. I have a lovely natural quilt Korean one for sale over here


    £385, based in Nottingham.

  4. I am reminded of when I went for bass lessons years ago. I could hear the chap before me laying down an elaborate rhythmic line. I was impressed.

    When it was my session I asked the tutor what the track had been, some sort of jazz fusion? No he replied, Run To The Hills by Iron Maiden...

  5. Listening to a rock guitar line and being able to pin it down as 'bending on Fm7 drenched in space echo' is a difficult skill. Same goes with folk where a proper picked version can be impossible until you crack what alternate tuning was used. Guitar chords are rich and complex to the ear as there is rarely just a 1st-3rd-5th note combination, there are usually 3 more strings in play and how chords are voiced/modulated/muted/bent/sustained can make all the difference

    Having said that a lot of very proficient guitarists are tab junkies and hardly ever work a tune out for themselves. With bass there is much less tab so you have to get good at listening and finding that true root note for yourself*. Also even when I find tab a lot of the note choices seem bizarre to me (why fly up the neck to play one octaved note?).

    I think one of my first steps into bass was learning tracks from 'Beach Boys Party', one of the finest fake live covers albums ever produced. I could hear straight-up acoustic chords playing steady but there was movement in the music, something beyond that made it more alive than my strummed version. It was, of course, the bass**

    So the really question is not 'What's easiest?' but; 'Where do you want to be in the music?'.

    Do you want to be flying high in the clouds with the piano or the trumpet or the lead guitarist? Or do you want to be down in the earth pushing away incessantly 'move your feet, move your feet, feel the beat'?

    *Not always the same note as the guitar chords online, even if they are accurate.

    **Yeah, when the Beach Boys spontaneously throw a party Chuck Britz or Carol Kaye always happens to drop in with Fender bass and Ampeg in hand :lol:

  6. Still getting inspired by Saturday, been playing 'Join Together (With The Band)' by the Who because of the tones [b]in-time-Nick[/b] got off his reliced Sandberg5 and pedal board effects rig. It was very Entwistle-esque with the whole bass-harmonica sound from Join Together's mid-section coming off the low B string. Oh and the octave+synth sound was a laugh as well. It was like an invisible DJ was there in the room scratching vinyl on invisible decks.

    I'm coining a new word for it all - funspirational!

  7. Just woken up the day after the Bass Bash feeling refreshed and energised like I do after a really good gig (remarkable since I fell asleep in front of the toxic candy box that is Eurovision last night), and I didn't have to wrestle with a PA all afternoon. :lol:

    Many thanks to Si6000 and RolandRock for a super event. Still digesting the many, wildly different basses and rigs I had the pleasure to hear and play. Thanks to everyone who let me plod along on your gear, a great many better players than myself at the Bass Bash.

    I didn't expect it when I went down but I came away with a new and previously unconsidered object of GAS. Like clouds parting across the Himalayas to reveal Everest I picked up Zero9's Status graphite necked, EMG loaded Jazz bass and Wow! What a compulsive playing bass with such an expressive and responsive sound. Could have been the quartet of PJB cabs that Zero9 plays it through but... Want, want, want. :gas:

    Oh and I came to the realisation that my two favourite basses (as pictured in my avatar) are the boat anchors that everyone speaks of. They've never given me back problems but now I realise they are[i][b] HEAVY[/b][/i] basses... :)

    There's probably many more tips, techniques and nuggets of wisdom I gleaned yesterday but my mind is still tumbling it all over. Thanks to everyone who indulged me with your time and gear.

  8. Key thing is DJ you had a backup bass and went through the chain.

    Last but one gig I my sound was strangely muffled half way through. I checked all my settings and soldiered on. Eventually I found the singers had placed their handbags right in front of the cabs bass ports. 😤

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