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Posts posted by Grissle

  1. One nice surprise with the Jag electronics was after replacing the pickups and pots I found that the preamp was actually quite good, "rubbish in, rubbish out you know", its quite transparent and musical though not quite Sadowsky or J-Retro grade its very pleasant and usable, much like the American Dlx Jazz's

  2. My Mods are:
    • BEAD Tuning
    • Rotosound RS66LH strings
    • Fender CS '60s pickups
    • CTS Pots & Switch's
    • Copper Shielding + Star grounding
    • Deluxe 5 bolt neck plate + Heel contour
    • Schaller strap locks
    • Hipshot Ultralite Tuners
    • Unbleached Bone Nut
    • Concentric Vol/Tone & Balance Pots
    • Concentric Jazz style knobs
    • Badass II Bridge
    • Rolled fretboard edges
  3. Well I finally figured it out, and it was surprisingly simple but it did take awhile. So all the electronics work just like the stock setup did, except where the master volume was there's now a concentric master vol/tone. And where the master tone was there's now a balance/blend pot.


    I've got about $1050 into it now and it seems like a steal compared to a Custom shop or Master Built which is pretty much what it compares to now. Here's again is the list of all the mod's:
    • BEAD Tuning
    • Rotosound RS66LH strings
    • Fender CS '60s pickups
    • CTS Pots & Switch's
    • Copper Shielding + Star grounding
    • Deluxe 5 bolt neck plate + Heel contour
    • Schaller strap locks
    • Hipshot Ultralite Tuners
    • Unbleached Bone Nut
    • Concentric Vol/Tone & Balance Pots
    • Concentric Jazz style knobs
    • Badass II Bridge
    • Rolled fretboard edges

  4. If its bothering you, loosen the strings a little then loosen the neck plate a little. Then while applying some downward(down as if holding the bass in playing position)pressure on the end of the neck(headstock end)tighten the neck plate bolts and re-check alignment. It can be a bit awkward if doing this by yourself. Slow and easy wins the race.

  5. Look for a stripper that says its for polyurethane etc. After the clear and color coats are off you'll still have the sand & sealer to deal with if need be, but if all looks good to you, you can proceed to the prep work(sanding with 320 up to 600-800 grit)and then the finish of your choice. There's Tru-oil(easy wipe-on), wipe-on poly's, spray-on poly's, nitrocellulose laquer etc.

  6. Before (stock pic)


    My Mods are:
    � BEAD Tuning
    � Fender CS '60s pickups
    � Stacked Vol/Tone + Blend
    � CTS Pots, and switches
    � Copper Shielding + Star grounding
    � Jazz knobs (large & small)
    � Schaller strap locks
    � Deluxe 5 bolt neck plate + Neck heel contouring
    � Hipshot Ultralite Tuners
    � Bone nut
    � Badass II bridge

  7. I've got all the parts now I just need some help wiring things up. I want to retain all the functionality of the stock Jag wiring but stick a blend pot wired between the pups and the pup selector switch's. And where the Vol and Tone pots are just substitute a concentric Vol/Tone

    My Blend pot wiring:

    Jag wiring diagram:

  8. I'd like to add a blend pot and then use a concentric pot for the vol/tone. Looking at the diagram it seems that I can run the leads from the pups to a blend pot and then from there follow the stock wiring. Am I missing anything or does this seem correct? I've posted this before with no results, I hope someone can help me out.

    Jag wiring diagram:

  9. For a P bass'ish sound simply run in passive mode with the series switch in the up/on position

    BTW I have a Red Jag as well
    Here's a link to my Jaguar you might want to check out


  10. Well the batteries can last anywhere from 6 weeks to year, but really I think average is about 3 months + or -. I believe that whenever the lead is attached the battery is engaged, thats how it works with active basses anyway. However with Active/Passive setups I'm not 100% sure. Just make sure to unplug the bass whenever not in use. And if the battery dies while your playing just switch it to passive and nudge your amps volume up a bit.

  11. The pickups in the Jag are probably its weakest link, they're the cheap ceramic type (Fender trying to save money) that come on Squire's and MIM's. I went with some Fender CS '60's pups, these and Fralins would be my first choice for vintage, Nordstrand's for a more modern sound. Another plus is that the new pups REALLY improved the sound of the active circuit, which was a bit harsh before imo and sounds very nice now.

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