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Posts posted by Bassic

  1. Being a hobby bedroom bassist, I dont really know that much about playing or play loud gigs, but having developed it from arthritis in my jaw, one thing I do know, tinnitus is misery and once you have it you have it forever or until your brain switches it off which may take many years.

    If I could offer any advice at all on this forum look after your ears and don't worry what the plugs look like as long as they are effective!!!!

  2. Sat watching Howard Goodall on bbc 2 talking all about chord sequencing and progression and how they all fit together
    Some bloke worked it out 300yrs ago and its what we use today
    Whizzed right over my head ha ha
    onto the circle of 5ths now!!

  3. Thanks for the great welcome everyone

    I also thought my login name would have been used yrs ago

    Definitely a fan of both Motown legend and whiskey wherever it comes from ha ha

    As for digging out bullets, other than the Korean version from my loft I live in sunny Gloucestershire were you would do well to stub your toe

  4. hi everyone

    After a 25 yr sabbatical I have dug out the squire bullet from the loft ready to do battle again

    Not the finest instrument in the world but will do just fine

    Dusted off Jamerson's 'in the shadow of motown' and raring to go now

    How hard can it be ha ha :(

    PS Great site with tons of quality info


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