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Everything posted by JoJoFeJe

  1. Thank you all for the replies, No - was also not sure if it was a Fender Pbass -- he said he suspected it wasnt. He has a few modified basses in his loft and he is selling them and he is unsure about the story behind each instrument. The body is actually a p-j bass, and it has three nobs, but one of them is missing -- that is why you only see a faint one in the picture. No - I havent acually played it - he was the one who said it sounds warm I will meet with him soon and see if I decide to get it -- for less, as you suggested -- it all depends on the sound Thank you very much again, you've been great!
  2. Hi guys - I am hopping you will be able to tell me exactly what this is: I got a friend who is selling this bass for £170. It says it is a precision bass (serial number S748741) I am not sure it is for real because it just doesnt look like the other precision basses -- you can see there is another pick up (picture) and the words on the headstock "Precision Bass" are different from all the others I have seen: the font is different and it occupies less space. The bass itself sounds warm -- but, I am a guitarist and my experience with good basses and good amps has been very limited I am hopping to get a bass simply because I love the damn instrument! I specially like reggae and i get more pleasure playing bass than guitar for that specific genre, obviously! I only got these 3 pics to show -- hope they are good enough Please let me know what you think about this and if it is a good price for it Thanks
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