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Posts posted by irvined

  1. Hi,

    The midi CPU is a great bit of kit and really configurable. You can chain them together and build big projects. I've looked around the internet for a suitable interface and this seems the best thing going. Took a while for it to arrive from the US but the support on their forum is really good.

    Going to try the new pedals out at a rehearsal tonight. The pedals are working but I still have work to do to get the switches going properly. Fortunately not something I need at the moment.

    The nice thing about the Novation Bass Station is it has around 60 user definable presets and 40 solid presets. I can get a reasonable aproximation of the Taurus sound plus it doesn't go out of tune. If this all works well tonight I'll be using them at a gig in two weeks time.



  2. Hi,

    Just wanted to tell you all about my latest project to build my own version of a set of Taurus bass pedals.

    I used to own a set of MK1 Taurus pedals many years ago but was talked into selling them, something I still regret.

    I've been wanting to make a set of pedals for years but never seemed to find the time, then the guitarist in the band I'm playing in, came up with a tune that really cried out for a set of pedals so off I went.

    I bought a set of pedals taken from a Yamaha organ on Ebay for about £20, then a Novation Bass Station for £110. All looking good so far but I needed an interface that would enable me to customise exactly what the pedals do and what switches I can add. I found the HighlyLiquid midi CPU


    £29 plus postage. Standard posting from the USA seems to take ages but there's an option for an extra $20 which is much quicker.

    Support from the forum is great and I got lots of help getting my pedals going.


    I'm now going to see if I can get the extra foot switches working for patch up/down octave up/down and portmento on/off.

    Great fun and nowhere near the cost of a set of vintage Taurus pedals.



  3. EBS HD350+ EBS cab -The Greek
    Roscoe Century 3005/ Overwater J4 - The Greek
    Markbass Mini CMD121P & NY121 cab - Lozz196
    Some form of Precision - Lozz196 (very predictable there)
    Ebay double neck kit finished - irvined

  4. Hi,

    This happened to me many years ago. Was playing in a pub band at the time and my left hand would freeze up. I eventually started to take choclate bars to get some sugar which fixed it. Two years later I developed type 1 diabetes which is not normal when you are in your 40s.

    Not saying that is what's happening with you but it's what happened to me. Hope it doesn't happen as it's a real pain.

    Best wishes.


  5. Just got back. Really great event. Thanks to all who spent the time and effort putting on the BC stand.

    [indent=1]Managed to get a good deal on a TC Electronic BG250 - £275 delivered plus a couple of folding stands for £5 each.[/indent]



  6. Just completed a draft schematic for my wiring. Output will go to a new stereo socket. New bass 3 way switch will be fitted together with the strat 3 way. All the pots are doubles so each one controls a bass and guitar at the same time. I could use stacked ones but at £20 each that's a bit too much at present.


  7. Hi,

    Managed to get the headstocks cut. A bit fiddly using a jig saw but don't have anything else. Going to need lots of sanding.

    Got recordings to mix with our guitarist for the rest of the day.

    Looks like there's a problem uploading pictures again, I'll try again from work tomorrow.



  8. Hi Kev,

    Wow you are keen! They look really good. I didn't think there was that much wood available for a Fender type.

    I've marked mine out with an Ibanez type headstock.

    I was going to do a bit tonight but my estate agent phoned saying our buyer wants to visit tomorrow so I've put that on hold and gone into cleaning and tidying mode!

    I'm going to use Danish oil on mine, it worked great on my fretless conversion job. I think I'm going to varnish the front of the headstock so I can get some transfers made.

    I think you will be finished well ahead of me as time is not on my side until I get this house move completed.

    Best wishes,


  9. Hi,

    Not sure what the body is but it is light. WIthout anything fitted it feels really light.

    The pickups look o.k. but I won't know until I get them wired up. The machine heads also look reasonable together with the two bridges. I think running the two sets of wiring individual is the way to go. Personally I'm going to rewire my outboard volume pedal to have two channels. Stereo in and two mono outputs then I can send each signal path wherever I want.

    The initial finish of the body looks quite good. I'm thinking of a couple of coats of sanding sealer and then some black car paint with a varnish topping. Necks will get done with danish oil. I used it on my £21 de-fret and it works out really well, I'm also going to fit a second three way switch for the bass pickups. This works fine on my fretless so I'm going to use it again.

    Best of luck.



  10. Hi,

    Haven't realy had time to have a good look at everything yet. Cooked for 13 yesterday, plus the ensuing party. Girlfriend's daughter, husband and 3 year old here today. Back to work tomorrow.

    The quick look I have had shows a lightweight body that seems to be fully routed and drilled. The necks look nice, both 24 fret jobs. Just need the headstock shaping. The electrics do look a bit low spec but I'm going to be doing some rework here. I'm going to create two seperate channels using twinned pots, I can't afford the split ones (~£20 each!) so both necks will have the same settings. The outputs will go to a stereo jack, I can then send each output to it's own processor and the into both inputs on my aged Sound City 120 head.

    Once (hopefully) we have moved, I'll get to doing a build diary. Don't hold your breath it's taken 5 years to get the place sold, got the final paperwork signed and ready to go back to the solicitors tomorrow. Just hopeing nothing goes wrong (again!)



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