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Posts posted by nobodysprefect

  1. I had the Read & PLX combo and it's a rocking combo. Yours is the first series right? Not that there's any sonic difference, just that they've shaved a bit of weight off each generation of the PLX amps, which are fantastic for even professional sound reinforcement applications.

    If I manage to liquidate enough of my collection at decent prices I'm tempted to buy your Read to be my backup in case mine ever develops a fault.

  2. Harry! What in the? You can't do that! Make it a Mini! Trust me mate, you'll be happier with the Mini than with a Kia...

    A mate of mine is the local chief of sales for BMW and his store also sells Minis... He lent me a basic Cooper last summer and I shaved nearly 5 minutes off the 16 minute first leg of my commute to work!

  3. [quote name='fiatcoupe432' timestamp='1328256644' post='1524369']
    ahahaha, its true , can t find any better instrument on the market for that kind of money. thanks ville

    Didn't I sell this to you dirt cheap? And yes, I think even at this price, Roscoes are some of the best value on the market. Used Yamaha and Overwater are great value, too.

  4. I should probably officially drop an L and a U from from names and be Vile Kain...

    I'm just struck with a couple of bass tones from my current listening - AJ's Fodera tone and John McVie's Rumours -era tone. Neither of which the Nordstrand, Roscoe or Spector really catch. Maybe if I got a parametric and ran the Spector through it I'd get near McVie tone?

    Spectors have great B-strings. Some high-end basses have flabby B-string that you can't really spank. That the c-string speaks as well as the others is very rare in itself, and in conjuction with a solid, solid B... Yup, never had a bass with a balance this good. So, definitely need a special bass in trade. =)

  5. Edited for new exchange rate!

    For those who've not heard a Spector featured prominently in a mix, here's [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zQwxGtcZLo[/media] Steve Vantsis playing on Fish's 13th Star's opening track. This bass also does a much cleaner tone out of the box, but unlike many hi-fi basses is a proper rock bass too!

    May 13th: I'm putting this up for sale again because I bought my first MTD and, despite being an inveterate bass flipper, that bass managed to shock me with how well it fits me. Selling off everything else most likely.

    I've had Euro Spectors and a few US Spectors and the difference is, to me, very perceptible. It's little stuff, like attention to detail, and it's big stuff, like the neck heel and bridge feel that combine to make the US basses superior instruments. edited to add: yes, this would be a top-of-the-line US neck-through Spector.

    If you've never played a spector, they are something you ought to try. From what I've played, they are the only basses that really, really, work with EMG DCs. Very extended range and sustain for days. Very good balance between the strings - in fact, I think this bass has the best balance between the strings I've ever had.

    The neck profile is a comfortable deep D, so it's not for everyone. It's great if you're used to double bass necks or big, hefty necks in general. It's a very fast neck, but it's definitely not a Jazz Bass kinda neck. There is a bit of a reach to the first position, but the flipside is easier access to higher frets and easier chording. No neck dive with a wide strap.

    What this bass excels at is authoritative, growly, aggressive tone. Likes to be spanked. Allows for low action and digging in. Nothing else sounds like a Spector imo. A properly set up Spector will let you vary your right hand technique and force very, very, much and everything you do will come out of the bass.



  6. Less gigs, more daily grind. And what gigs I have the Roscoe fits better or call for the upright anyways.

    Carey Nordstrand built the famed Nordy jazz copies and built some NX models on the side, then stopped building the NXs altogether, and now only offer NX5 with bolt-on necks. This means this bass can't be bought new. When it was new, it cost over USD5k! [url="http://www.nordstrandguitars.com/instruments.html#nx"]http://www.nordstran...ruments.html#nx[/url]

    The mandatory talking the bass up part:

    Playability: must have the easiest playing neck on a sixer, ever. I've had: Smiths, Spectors, Dingwalls, Roscoes, Skjolds, F-Basses and other basses that are said to be ergonomical... And this bass has them beat, seriously. The mandolin-sized frets help, obviously. Chords like a mofo since it has 17,5 mm string spacing at bridge - this would be the easiest-playing six I've played, and for someone thinking about going from fivers to sixers this gets my recommendation. 34,5" scale, long upper horn: great balance on strap or on the lap, similar or less of a reach to 1st position as you get with JBs.

    Sound: Nordstrand Fat Stacks, Nordstrand preamp. Arguably the best 'jazz bass on steroids' electronics around. When split, you get the JB single-coil lovelyness. The top-notch construction makes this a very responsive bass. Put it in passive mode and it's a really great 6-string JB... You can go from quite mellow to spanky to reggae with this bass. Does a decent Marcus tone, though to nail that tone would really take maple board, bolt-on neck and single coils imo. And a bit of practice.

    The bad: this bass has a new top, shown in photos. Will take more photos showing the work done on the bass later today.

    More photos at [url="http://s626.photobucket.com/albums/tt342/prkl0405/NX6/"]http://s626.photobuc...2/prkl0405/NX6/[/url]

  7. I suppose I should save everyone the trouble and write a condensed version with the implications spelt out right away:

    My 'Life lessons and advice for non-perfect people:'

    First: You can't be THE BEST in everything, or maybe anything. But more importantly, you can never be [b]your [/b]best in what you don't love. And being your best is it's own reward.

    Second: the times is hard - for everybody! Environmental degradation (I'm looking at you, baby boomers! You f***tards chose to view using up non-renewables as [i]income[/i] instead of eating up our capital) and general societal trends which I won't bother to type out but which are well known in social sciences have put the writing on the wall: declining standards of living ahead in the West. (FFSG)

    Third: learn enough legalese to know when you should contact a lawyer. It's usually sooner than you think. It's also cheaper to do it sooner.

    Fourth: as a cancer survivor: you can't plan everything ahead. So don't make too intricate 30-year plans. Make sure you enjoy what you plan on doing for a living at least somewhat. Could be you die the first day of retirement. (As if there's a retirement for us! I kill me! :D :D :D )

  8. Has been an interesting thread! And gets quite a bit of frank discussion, too.

    I'm graduating in 17 months with BSc, MSc(economics, finance, business law), LLB and LLM (Criminal & Process Law) (Yes, that's two complete 3 year bachelor's and 2 separate master's degrees, would take 10 years if you were to do them one after another... uh.) and I gotta say... [b]Do what you love![/b] I just got told by a loverrrly Polish girl that my eyes really light up when we talk intent. And that's all I should do with her, lest I anger the wife.

    [b]Listening to sensible advice[/b] and going after the MSc first[b] has felt like a real mistake.[/b] Because in the time between then and now we've had a credit crunch and a eurocrisis... And I absolutely hate working in commerce or industry. On the flip side, without a degree in the financial side of the world, I wouldn't be half as well positioned to prosecute or judge financial crime.

    Relevance to thread? I should probably study the standards of proof in piracy cases. My hunch is that the standard the copyright owners have been allowed to get away with may well be an interesting one. It's a pretty long line of legal reasoning and probably wouldn't work in your common law system of thought. I'd be willing to share the reasoning, but maybe not in this thread. Any interest?

    Point is, there are more distractions fighting for the consumers' entertainment money (and[b] declining real incomes if you look at income v. housing prices[/b], not income v. electric toy prices) and with youtube and spotify the young generations don't have to get into the habit of buying records I got into, which will, in the long run, probably mean a shrinking proportion of disposable income spent on records, but more on console games, DVDs, TV sets etc. Like Jake said, live music is on the up, though. OTOH the record companies are branching out into extracting revenue from merchandise sales and so forth. It flows fairly easily from corporate mindset and bargaining power. [b]What you'd expect from corporate[/b] lawyers, really.

    The professional musician has always had a different lifestyle from the nine to five worker. In Finland the prospects are worse* than they've ever been, though, so I would recommend a young person get an electrician's or a plumber's certificate so they can do that for 1-2 days per week and live on that salary while perfecting their craft. But then you have that backup plan that makes giving up easier...

    *the real (that's 'inflation and tax corrected') salary for the best players in my town has been on the decline for some time and there's no change in view. Then again, as Bilbo said, many positions offer less real salary now. Kinda lucked out in that my #1 love tends to pay off well.

  9. So, I'm an inveterate musical prostitute.

    That having been said, I LOVE the wacky, idiomatic ways broadway arrangers write basslines. I got a real education in the ditches of musical theatre. I mean, if I weren't broken by my parents, I'd have picked up all I needed for a career at bass before I was 20.

    A decade and change later, I can listen to cuts of Fame and not want to cut meself. Who else loved musical theatre growing up a muso?

    What are the most important lessons musical theatre can teach you that are hard to come by without doint it? I'd substitute time, time, time and humility.


    sh*t. My friends and I played that FAR better. Of course, the m*****f***ers went on to study at Sibelius Academy and whatnot. w***ers.

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