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Posts posted by Dave_the_bass

  1. I've watched fellow basschat members before they'd joined. If I see a local band I tend to end up chatting with the bass player afterwards and if they've never heard of our wonderful community I set them on the straight and narrow.

    I may have seen some of you at gigs and not known you were members.

    As for how I've come away from the gigs: I've never seen any bass players that have made me think "I should just quit now". I've seen a few that have made me think "I really need to up my game" and I've seen some that have left me thinking "if I ever wanted to be that good then I shouldn't have got married and had kids".

  2. After having had a couple of years away from gigging I'm probably about to get back in to this whole world of hurt.

    We're a "new" originals band with a minimal following so scratching around for support slots while we get our name out there. As a result it'll be 30 minute sets on multi band gigs.

    My plan will be the same as it always used to be:

    1, find out who the headline act is
    2, drop them a message, leaving my number, asking the bass player to get in touch.
    3, talk to my counterpart and establish if a gear share is a possibility, and what equipment is available to share.
    (If 3 is a yes)
    4, turn up at gig with bass, pedals and head (can always be used as a DI in emergencies)
    5, introduce myself in person to the bass player
    6, observe any usage restrictions imposed by bass player and play gig
    7, say thank you and hand over a drinking vessel containing their preferred tipple.
    (If 3 is no)
    4, turn up at gig with my own rig
    5, play gig
    6, be courteous and civil to other bass player as it is his gear and his choice whether I use it.

    Basically I work on the principle of treat others (and their gear) how I want to be treated.

  3. My cello teacher had a less than 24hr - full fee - cancellation policy.

    She also understood that sometimes things happen and you can't give that much notice so she was prepared to let the odd occasion slide.

    Like others say. If you have the policy in place then you can decide on a case by case basis whether you are going to enforce it.

  4. Just to close this topc:

    I went to a real, bricks n' mortar, shop and tried out all of the dirty pedals they had in stock.

    After about an hour of noodling with them I paid the man and walked out of the shop with a smile on my face and a bearded lady in my hand.

    Turns out that the sound I had in my head was some old school fuzz.

    I still need to get it in to the mix with a live band but, as a solo, pedal it's got a very pleasing array of dirt available.

    I'd recommend that anyone wanting the Cliff Burton (For whom the bell tolls) type tone could do a lot worse than give it a try.

    Oh, it's retro styling also helped to seal the deal as it should look very pretty nestled alongside the aguilar octamizer on my pedal board. (Note to self: finish building pedal board)

  5. I'm in the market for some distortion!

    I've never been a huge fan of bass distortion as it always seems to make things a bit muddy. The band I'm in requires some filthy dirty bass tones so I need to grow my pedal board.

    As I really don't want to make my sound too muddy I've done some thinking, and some research, and narrowed my options down to the following:

    Brimstone D1


    SFX X&M with some nice sounding valve overdrive

    Any opinions gratefully received.

  6. I play, predominantly, with a pick. It's probably due to the fact that I made the switch to bass while I was in a punk band so learned to play with a pick.

    I have always made sure that I can play the bass lines to all of the songs in the set with my fingers though as I'm not necessarily going to be close to the mic stand (pick clip) when I inevitably drop my pick mid song.

    As has been highlighted up thread; the more weapons you have in your arsenal, the more likely you are to win the battle.

  7. [quote name='Grissle' timestamp='1405954525' post='2506882']
    If the amp only has valves in the preamp however you can generally treat it like any other SS amp. Anyway I'm not aware of any amps with non-valve power sections that require a speaker load?

    Ashdown mag amps employ a switched jack speaker output. No jack in any speaker socket presents a dead short (or 0 ohm impedance load) across the output transistors. They'll get very hot and melty very quickly!

  8. My experience is that it worked excellent with my setup.

    Didn't find the delay to be an issue, but the whole band used them so we were all delayed by the same amount.

    The only reason I got rid of mine was that I left the band that it was being used in and I was only using the octave effect. Sold the droptune and bought and octamizer.

    Rather than a droptune pedal; if your headstock is big enough you could just fill it with Hipshot X tenders. Get the double stop leavers and you can have both half and whole step detuning with no electrictrickery.

  9. No one has mentioned Three Days Grace who, after 10 years and 4 albums, will finally be playing their first uk show in september this year.

    I was so happy when I found out/got tickets that I almost cart wheeled my way to London!

  10. [quote name='cheddatom' timestamp='1401456087' post='2463828']
    Go with whatever works, but... if you prefer the sound bypassing your pre-amp you might look into replacing your amp with a poweramp

    +1 to this.

    A Gitard friend of mine ditched his (Marshall?) head in favour of his multi effects and a crate mono block power amp. He got the exact sound he was looking for on every song.

  11. I'd be the first to advise anyone to get the 12.2 as it's stunning, but, I don't think it's the amp you think it is.

    It has two pre amp channels but only on input. One of the preamps is valve and one is SS. If you're happy with a setup where you're playing SS for an upright and valve for electric then it'll do everything you ever want it to and more.

    With my berg cabs I find that an 8ohm 1x12 is more than enough to keep up in a loud band rehearsal.
    My 4x12 full 1200W rig strikes fear in to everyone, but I've never turned the volume up above 2 as I like my internal organs where they are!

    When I bought mine I was torn between the 9.2 and the 12.2, my decision was made due to the enhanced flexibility of rig I could create around the 12.2 head.

  12. I added rear rack rails to my case. Cost me about a fiver for the parts from my local, independent, electronics merchant.
    I then attached a 6 way, rack mounted, surge protected power strip that bought for about 20 quid off the bay. It had a built in earth tester too.

    You'd have to ask bramleyapple for more details as I sold the rig to him over a year ago.

  13. My experience is that it's hit and miss whether you get charged or not.

    I ordered a Hipshot x-tender from the states and it got pounced on by customs. I ordered a bridge a few months later and it sailed straight to my door without accruing and additional fees/charges.

    The only reason I ordered fron the states is that, taking in to account all possible charges, they were still significantly cheaper than bassdirect.

  14. Might even be worth the mods looking at a permanent banner for a company that sells bass equipment in return for a good wholesale price on strings that they can then sell for a small mark up in the bc shop. I.e. the same price as said company but a nice profit to keep the site running smoothly.

  15. Genz head and berg 12's. It's the holy grail (IMO) of rock tone.

    I'd look at trying the CN112s and get four of them for the ultimate in "up to 1200W modular 4x12 rigs".

    My Shuttlemax and a berg 112 is a clear, well voiced, rig for home practice and quiet song writing sessions. The 2x12 option is great for rehearsals. The 4x12 is useful for destroying enemy cities!

  16. I came it to this topic assuming op had 2 8x10s or something equally large.

    I have, I assume, the same head. I run that through 2 1x12s and a 2x12.

    It's not too big, it's just very flexible and capable.

    I heartily support swapping out 1 4ohm 2x12 for 2 8ohm 1x12s. You finsh with a rig that sounds the same no matter how loud you want it as, to increase the volume, you just add more air movement.

  17. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1393196958' post='2377339']
    Mind you, the built in distortion is not that brilliant but it does have a separate effects output and I take this to a separate amp and use the amps distortion. [/quote]

    It's this I was thinking of. I'm in a (musically) three piece band and some of the songs feel a little flat in the solos, tends to be the ones where the nuances in the solo need to shine through so I can't "busy up" the bass.

    What I do have at my disposal is a really nice, all valve,
    guitar rig so I was thinking of being able to stomp the box and replace the missing guitar.

    I think I might have to bite the bullet and give one a try.

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