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Everything posted by Johnthedreamer

  1. Hello everyone My name is John - prompted by having a chat with Lee Pomeroy after being at the Holmfirth gig of Steve Hacketts recent tour - I decided to dust off my bass , buy an amp , new strings and play around a bit ... hell I have even got GCSE music to actually learn how to read music .... like Mum and Dad wished 40 years ago ! Any way have always loved the really epic sound created in such tracks as Los Endos Suppers ready Firth of Fifth - and indeed the instrumental parts of Hacketts own Everyday . I get the feeling that the main 'Choral' sound derives from the keyboard end , or from taurus pedals ( a bit beyond my budget ) ...... Is there a nice inexpensive way of creating such a fantastic aural delight for a Bass ??? If so which device and how much ???? Believe me I am years away from being even half way competent - but would love to play with some noises and just enjoy myself ! The picture is Alex - my eight year old son - being somewhat weighed down by my venerable Washburn Chicago ! JOHN age 51 Leeds [attachment=110046:032.JPG]
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