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Posts posted by mooz

  1. Here´s my stuff:

    Markbass F500 @ 2 Epifani 1x12 UL2

    Markbass Little Mark F-Series @ SWR Goliath III

    For smaller Gigs: Markbass Mini Combo 112
    (My cats fell in love with its velour covering *grrrr*)

  2. If you can´t resist and want to try out different Pickups I can highly recommend Fender CS60´s Pickups. I bit pricey, but worth every penny.

    I built them in my Squier Vintage Modified Jazz Bass. The stock Duncan designed did a good job but the CS60 add definately more pixels to the sound. They transduce the sound quite "neutral" with a good deep-bottom-end and clear-pearly-crisp highs.

    The only cons I could find are their sharp-edged pickup-covers.

  3. Thank you! :^)

    What I like most is the unbelieveable sustain from the Status. It´s very subtle thing while you´re playing it. But when you do some recordings and listen to it afterwards it is a really enormous effect.

    Also the Status is my best tool for distorted/crunched/fuzzed sounds, because its tone is very precise in intonation. That makes the fundament for a perfect connection with a Sansamp PBDD.

    Also, when played undistorted you never get him barfing like a late ´70ies Jazz with heavy ash body, when you play it hard.

    It´s an outstanding bass, perfect for rock or funk. I´m really glad to have it at my fingertip. :)

  4. Ha, I´m living in Clover-city! Jörg Neugebauer have his company here.

    I just know a 5-string from the XPression series and an apeiron 4-string with that hybrid bridge pup. They were both crafted with outstanding skills, very very clean. Both sounds very good with an even and precise tone.

    What I don´t digged was the Delano hybrid-pup at the apeiron. It sounded pretty well itself, but don´t deliver a music man stingray sound. It might have something to do with the built-in position, which is not original to get any mm-sound out if it. If it were to me I would choose a classic apeiron. ;^)

    The avenger series might be very interesting too due to its rich switching options of the three pickups. I think it could outran there a Xotic J versality-wise of getting really different tones from each other.

  5. Before you buy anything - Have you played out all of your setting skills? I would start from that point first.
    Would also go for the right set of strings which brings out the bass´ tone best. Strings and settings can change a lot!

    Also "correct" wound up strings effect a lot!

    All in all, a Jazz could have its very own personality. Most of my Jazz Basses have a bright and wirery tone. My ´69 Jazz not. He prefers a moderate higher neck tension were I can get its sweet spots now.

    Good luck!

  6. Thank you.

    It´s a refin, which finish was sunburst before. The pickguard is also new and the fingerrest is also missing. This Jazz provide one of the dryest sounds I´ve ever heard on a Jazz.

  7. Lots of lovely Jazzies! I like them all. So I have to post my little family of Jazzettes:

    From left to right: De Gier BeBop5, Fender Jazz Bass 1969, Fender Jazz Bass Plus V, No Name fretless Jazz Bass, Squier Vintaged Modified Jazz Bass, Fender Jazz Bass 1978 and last but not least my Squier Jazz Bass, the very first Bass I made my first steps with as a player.

  8. Hello everybody,

    After a few technical obstacles to join this lovely place which Steve solved for me immediately I´m also new here and wanted to give you an introduction of myself:

    My name´s Robert and play the bass since 1989. Daryl Jones and Mark King were my key-influences to pick up our beloved instrument and get started.

    I recently work with three bands, the turkish-rockband Yoldas, the Rae Jarvis & Band which is brit-pop-rock orientated and at last Spiral-M which is a world-music-mix-up-jazz-trio playing own tunes written by our lovely "scotsman" Matt Checker.

    I´m playing lots of different basses which I will show you soon.

    You will find me as mooz also at the FDP - Fender Forums, at basic.ch and on the acitve Ex-Bassprofessor Forums.



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