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Posts posted by Toasting

  1. Hello Forumites,

    I would like to tell a short story which highlights what we've perhaps known all along; that as a generality Bassists are solid people.

    A while back I ran into to some serious financial difficulty and had to very reluctantly sell my MarkBass Combo to raise rent money. This was my only gigging amp and as a consequence meant that I could no longer play live. I sold it for a reasonable price to fellow forumite Clarky.

    After the transaction and with some desperation I contacted Clarky to ask whether it would be possible, on occasion, to 'rent' the amp back for gigging until my financial situation improved in September when I could get into the market again. He very kindly agreed in principle although was unable to provide for my first gig due to his holiday. He suggested that I create a post asking for a favour, which you may have seen, but it turned out that unfortunately no-one was in a position to assist. After seeing my lack of success and to much appreciation, he then agreed to let me borrow and hold the amp over his holiday period.

    Upon his return and whilst discussing its return he suggested that his more favourable position to my desperate situation allowed him to offer me a deal. I was to continue to borrow the amp until September and purchase back for the price he paid when my situation improved. Stunned I gladly accepted! This was a relative stranger basically lending me his amp or in effect his money for a couple of months and all this on the security of trust.

    Now we are in September. I still have my much loved MB Combo and was able to play a number of gigs and Clarky has his money back. I even sent him a 'drink' to say thank you which he kindly accepted half, sending the other half back saying it was too much.

    Sorry to have rambled on but I thought it was a story that needed telling. It demonstrates that there are kind, helpful and honest people in the world. Regardless of whether these people are strangers having met only briefly through an internet forum.

    Thank you Clarky for your trust.

    Everyone should know that he's a top top bloke!

  2. There is a tutor section on the forum which may be helpful and most tutors will have a bass you can use for the lesson should transportation be an issue. Just remember to practice lots with your instrument in between. With some dedicated practice you could be playing in a band within 3 months :)

  3. :crigon_04:

    You've stumbled across a great forum with many friendly and helpful people. The one piece of advice I would pass on, only because it's something I failed to do and wish I had, is to find a tutor to create a personalised practice plan. I've wasted so much time messing around instead of focussing on what I've needed to learn. Anyway good luck on your bass journey!
  4. Hi guys,

    I just thought I'd update as I met Clarky last night to collect the loaned amp. I wanted to show my gratitude publicly for his willing, helpfulness and trust. A top top bloke!

    Thanks to this 'The Drybones' are playing [url="http://www.thedukebrixton.com/"]http://www.thedukebrixton.com/[/url] on the Saturday 19.00 - 20.00 and 21.00 - 22.00.
    Bouncy two-tone covers and the flow of cider will hopefully make for a top night.

    Great forum!

  5. Thanks all for the welcome.
    I shall update my profile with some more details and maybe even a picture in due course so you can all swoon at my bugly mug. Need to sort out a signature too, although due to a lack of folding I don't yet suffer from G.A.S. or B.A.S. having only the one 'cheap' bass and a lil' practice amp, so not much to enter in there.

  6. Thank you for the thought Gary.

    Clarky! You Sir are a Legend of the highest order.
    Usually we rehearse on a Wednesday night in North Sheen but if Thursday or Friday evening is not as convenient for you (?) then of course I will get to Hammersmith for 8pm. Thanks ever so much for this, it's a massive weight off my mind and won't be forgotten. Jamie

  7. Hi Forumites,

    A belated introduction. After buying an amp and selling the same through the FS section I thought I had should formally say hello!

    Name is Jamie and I've been playing the bass on and off for a few years. I'm not a musician and don't really know how to play the bass as an instrument but I can figure out where I need to put my fingers to get the right sounds. I'm playing with a ska/two tone covers band called The Drybones; we're regularly gigging around London and getting a few quid for our troubles too so can't be so bad. Playing live is what it's all about for me and something I've meant to do for so long. Finally got there!

    I just thought i'd end with a thanks for all the guidance I've picked up from the many informative posts whilst lurking around the forum. I hope I can consider myself introduced now :D

  8. Hi guys,

    Having run into some financial difficulties I've recently had to sell my MarkBass Mini CMD 121P to a fellow forumite. Being such a nice chap (Clarky) he has, in principle, agreed to lend it back to me for the ocassional gig but is unfortunately away for my next gig this weekend.

    I was hoping that someone may be in a position to offer their assistance in lending me a combo to cover. I know it's a big ask but I am an honest chap, will collect and deliver to door, and ensure it is cared for. My financial situation will be resolved come September when I shall be back fully equipped.

    I'll be hoping for 300w and relatively portable combo for a gig at a cider festival in Brixton this Saturday. The amp is to be used purely for monitor purposes runing through a DI. Will return with much thanks, and some cider, on the Sunday.

    Quite happy to provide required details for security purposes.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  9. I found that when learning finger techinque I had a tendency to pluck the strings which does cause fret buzz - mainly a habit picked up from practicing without an amp!. Over time I learnt to play with a lighter touch and rolling the flesh of my fingers over the strings. As previous posters have suggested, there are some great tution videos on youtube offering guidance on floating thumb and muting. Scott Devine also has some great tuition on his website. Good luck!

  10. Hi guys,

    Having run into money difficulties I've recently had to sell my MarkBass Mini CMD 121P to a fellow forumite. Being such a nice chap (Clarky) he has, in principle, agreed to lend it back to me for the ocassional gig but is unfortunately away for my next gig this weekend.

    I was hoping that someone may be in a position to offer their assistance in lending me a combo to cover. I know it's an ask but I am an honest chap, will collect and deliver to door, and ensure it is cared for. My financial situation will be resolved come September when I shall be back fully equipped.

    I'll be hoping for minimum 300w and relatively portable combo for a gig at a cider festival in Brixton this Saturday. The amp is to be used purely for monitor purposes so will be nowhere close to clipping. Will return with much thanks, and some cider, on the Sunday.

    Quite happy to provide required details for security purposes.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  11. We all know about this great multi-effects unit; is in perfect working order and great condition, only used a few times and looks like new.

    I'll throw in AC adaptor and batteries.
    A bargain at £90. Would prefer collection from London.

    Thanks Jamie


  12. Hi all,

    I'm looking to sell my Markbass amp, very reluctantly, but I need to free up some cash.

    Purchased not so long ago from 'Ape' on this site the amp is in great condition. The carpet covering is a bit bobbled but nothing awful and purely aesthetic. Unfortunately I don't have a camera to take pictures but can promise it'll be an absolute bargain at £450 (I've attached 'Ape's' original pictures from when he purchased the unit). Check out online reviews which will confirm what a great sounding amp this is.

    Prefer collection from London.

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