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Posts posted by classrock

  1. Thanks TommyK
    I like Ray's too. I had a '98 5-string with Status graphite neck.
    My heart pine's to own my mate's '76 Stingray, the bass I learned to play on !
    He won't sell it. I've been hounding him for 20 years.
    I've got a guy looking at a '78 in the states for me this week, if it all adds up i'll have it.

  2. Thankyou again to everyone for your kind welcomes. Bloody great community.
    I look forward to having a natter with all of you, I'm having a bit of trouble with my smartphone ( drivers ) ARRGHH !
    I wanted to get some pics posted, bear with me on that one.

  3. Big hello to you all
    Love 60,s / 70's music. Mowtown, funk, rock etc...
    Gigged mainly with coporate bands between 98-05, but got into writing/recording after that.

    My current gear is:
    Sunburst '73 Fender Jazz ( black block ). Never selling. With me till I die !
    Warwick Streamer Jazzman
    ZON Sonus cc4 fretless
    2004 Aguilar AG 500
    2004 GS 212

    The Aggy stuff was the first into this country, via Dave Boonshoft. It's as new with covers.
    I need to sell it as well as the ZON. I want a pre EB Stingray, like Briggy's !

    God Bless

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