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Posts posted by Bobzilla

  1. [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Stagg 2U shallow rack case, good condition, all butterfly catches work well and the lids go on solidly. Rack front and rear, comes with sufficient screws to mount 2 1U items. Lids have pockets with velcro straps for leads. Selling because my V-Amp pro is being sold separately.[/size][/font]
    [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font]
    [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Collection from Alton in Hampshire, or Southampton on Mondays or Fridays. Postage should work out about £6.[/size][/font]
    [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2] [/size][/font]
    [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2]Also selling a V-Amp pro and a 2U case.[/size][/font]


    [font=Arial, sans-serif][size=2][/size][/font]


  2. Stagg 6U rack case, good condition, all butterfly catches work well and the lids go on solidly. Rack front and rear, comes with sufficient screws to mount 6 1U items. Selling because my amp has been rehoused in a 4U case with a shallow draw. Does not include the draw currently mounted in it.

    Collection from Alton in Hampshire, or Southampton on Mondays or Fridays. Postage should work out about £8.

    Also selling a V-Amp pro and a 2U case




  3. Behringer Bass V-amp pro for sale. Perfect condition, sounds great, 2U rack mount design (rack being sold separately on here). Comes with a manual and a tips leaflet about how to get the best out of it.

    £40 ono, postage for £6. The pro is retailing at £70 plus £5 P&P from DV 247, and £40 is the going rate on ebay.

    Collection from Alton in Hampshire, or Southampton Mondays and Fridays.

    Link to the cases



  4. Trying these out. Will report back on how they turn out, as Ali Express seems to be the only place I can get dual pots from for anything like reasonable money. And the ones from Banzai Music are too small for use with a normal bass control knob.


  5. I struggled with a 5 when I had a lovely Warwick Streamer LX V. So I sold it - it was worth £600 and I didn't need that sitting in a bass that I couldn't play as it was intended. I am now getting a new 5 for £35 s/h off ebay so that I can try again with one, but not be bothered about how much money is tied up in it.

  6. Hoping someone might be able to help.

    I've got the 'basic' technique for slap bass down, but my problem is that on anything other than an E string, I'm hitting the lower strings. How do I stop doing that, or at least stop them ringing?


  7. Well, I think that it is fixed. The centre contact on the speakon socket was slightly bent so that it wasn't contacting the plug contact. A little bit of help from my screwdriver and its all fixed, making sure of course that I don't cause shorting problems with using it with a jack plug. Thanks to those that suggested that it was mechanical not electronic.

  8. I might take a look at that. Thanks. I am relatively handy with a soldering iron, so if that is all it is, I would be delighted. Ta.

    I will still need to have my Trace looked at that has decided to go fuzzy on one channel.

  9. Anyone used GuitarAid London or Music Room London before? I have a markbass amp, which has decided that the output is going to be intermittently on (mainly off) and I have no idea why. It is probably a dry solder joint somewhere, but I am not sure where.

    Any other suggestions in London/Surrey/Hampshire?


  10. Its arrived, its gorgeous, I now remember exactly why I loved my Warwick Streamer LX5 and was sad to see it go although I didn't get on with a low B string. In short, its a steal, and I feel a little bit guilty that I got it for the price that I did. But only a little bit.

  11. I'm looking for someone that actually produces P pickguards rather than just resells, or at least can get hold of one that does not have holes for pots drilled. I am on the verge of giving up looking for a stacked 50k pot, and so need 4 pots on a precision, whereas standard is 3. I don't want to drill the body as I want to be able to go back to standard if required. The only other possibility is to extend the pot rout further forward and drill a fourth, but I would sooner keep the existing locations.

    So, anyone know where I can get a new pickguard?


  12. A circuit design specifies 50k linear. I need to go dual stack for one of these, and my options are 50k log or 25k or 250k linear. Its for the cut/boost for active electronics.



  13. I'm looking at a pro series corvette fretless, but I cannot find anything out about these - it seems that they don't exist. I can find rockbass ones but not pro series.

    So, how much should I be looking at for one of these? Is £400 too much for one in very good condition?

  14. I'm having a lot of fun at the minute playing with a p-bass, plan being to turn it active and fretless with a self build pre-amp. The best thing about this is that I can experiment as much as I like because it cost me a grand total of £18.50 so I don't care if I screw it up.

    I've hit my first problem, and that is that the current cut-outs for the pots are not big enough for a 9v battery and the pots. I'm thinking get my trusty router out and route a hole for a battery box in the backside, or possibly even just put a battery hole in the front under the scratchplate.

    Any thoughts? Other than 'why are you turning your bass active, of course... The answer being 'because I want to, its fun to play about and I can'.

  15. Can't be doing the fret filing. Especially since they are all currently sat in my metal recycling bin. They were very easy to get out as well, without any chipping.

  16. So, I've decided to have a go at de-fretting a bass. One £18.50 Westfield P-Bass off Ebay later, and I have a suitable victim (yes, I know, its not going to sound the best fretless ever, but its a learning tool). Key question though is filler or veneer. I've seen advocates of both on online tutorials, but has anyone done one with either or even both?


    (and the good thing is that a cheap bass neck means easily removed frets with zero damage and flaking).

  17. [quote name='Passinwind' timestamp='1429386622' post='2751054']
    You just made doing a swept mid frequency a much taller order, since a dual section pot is often required just for the frequency sweep. Concentric pots like that do exist though.

    So I would need a dual sweep for the frequency (guessing because it is the resistors either size of the boost/cut pot that determine the frequency, dual sweep for bass/'treble, dual sweep for mid and volume, so three dual stack potentiometers? Have I got that right?

  18. I started out on a Squier Jazz, but then Andertons had a P Bass Lyte Deluxe at £400. Played it, fell in love. I know its not a proper P - its a Jazzified P, but it still bears the Precision mark, and a split neck pickup.

    I now have a (very) cheap Westfield P copy that I am planning on modifying very heavily. Side entry jack, 3 band active EQ, de-fret the neck, basically everything you've thought about experimenting with but you wouldn't want to do with your main bass. I don't particularly care about a bass that cost me less than £20, and have always fancied doing something fun and individual. As much as you can with a plain black P copy. Build thread going up sometime.

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