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Posts posted by slumjacket

  1. Most copies of the real book are written in treble clef with the chords written in over the bar. The head is usually just the melody so you won't need to read it, just follow the chord chart.

    jazz can seem a bit intimidating, but you're an experienced player and I always like people who bring a bit of their own personality to jams. Have fun with it.

  2. I've only had my DB a year and my budget was the same a yours. I ended up going to a retailer which was Thwaites in Watford.

    The advantage of this was I rang them, let them know my budget and when I got there they had several basses for me to try.

    The internet route is pretty good these days and if you're not happy there is usually an option to send things back but the retailers have good selections and can usually do a decent set up.

  3. Well nearly.

    This will most probably be the last gig I'll do with these guys, they have another one next week but they're using a dep.

    It's a shame this band a folding I've had a great time the last few years and hopefully I might do stuff with done of these guys on the future.

    We're going to play near enough everything we've played in the past 4 years so it should be a loud night of Skynyrd, Allman brothers, CCR with a smattering of small faces, Elvis and maybe even a Who number.

    As usual any basschaters please come up and introduce yourselves.

    The gig is at the Swan in West Wickham, Bromley.
    It will be a great night and just after the cup final!

  4. I was in a band a few years ago that played all original material, it was brit pop/mod rock, not my sort of thing at all.

    However I needed to be in a gigging band at the time. I got on really well with the other members and because of that and that the band was really tight, I grew to like the music.

    If the music is not doing for you then there has to be some other incentive to be there.

  5. I think there's something to be said for health and meditation in relation to musical study. I haven't been playing DB long but I've already come to realise that you need a bit of physical strength and stamina whilst trying to relax and focus on what you're playing.
    Il often practice just long notes with the bow, sounds a bit boring but of you focus on the tone it's almost like meditating... I think?

  6. I've been playing DB since June, having been an electric player for years decided to take the plunge.

    My teacher comes from a jazz background and we've been doing work on Arco and pizzicato, but I recently had a jam with a couple of friends I've played with in different bands and they're into bluegrass slap style playing.

    I tried a couple of licks but found it tricky. My bass is strung with spirocores, they're nice and loud but have a fairly high tension, or at least I think they're high tension.

    My question is, is it possible to really get good slap tone and chops with these strings or is it easier with gut or synthetic gut type strings, or is it just a case of practice???

  7. [quote name='ubassman' timestamp='1360497716' post='1971172']
    Thanks for posting John Clayton's tip ! +1 on that - pretty much how I stand ...if I have to play stood up . The subtlety of the video is that in order to reach the thumb position he move the bass and angles it more ...rather than the body bending over , but as he comes out of the thumb position the bass goes back to being more upright . In terms of reach the choice is either the bass moves, or the body bends ( as John used to do it) .

    I find that even at that I can sometimes feel stress building in my lower back . Perhaps its with the weight of the bass leaning on the hip joint for pronged periods ? ...I just don't seem to get aches at all sat down and I would certainly recommend giving that a try to anyone who suffers with back problems.

    Have a look at Dan Berglund playing all different techniques sat down without shifting the bass [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5L7j6qImrlM[/media]
    ( probably never everyones cup of tea! ) ...I hasten to add that Dan also plays stood up from time to time !!

  8. [quote name='FinnDave' timestamp='1409776583' post='2543350']
    I spent the last year or more playing in a blues rock band and used either my jazz with round wounds or my Precision with flats, until I had a eureka moment and restrung the p with rounds, now I have the perfect sound for the style our singer describes as 'psychedelic Nu R&B'.

  9. Yeah deck him! I used to play with a similar bloke, he used to pick up my bass and play fiddly licks to try and explain what he wanted me to play. I just ignored him and played what I wanted, but in my mind id knocked him out.

    I can't really play guitar that well, but I can get by. I think the techniques used in guitar are similar to bass but not the same, there are people who play both regularly but I'm sure even they have a preference. Therefor I think everyone is either a guitar player or bass playee.g.

  10. The Swamps are down at the Scream Lounge in Croydon next week. We'll be playing a mix of Southern rock and blues.

    If you like The Allman Brothers, Skynyrd, Taj Mahal and CCR come down for an end of week boogie.

    BCers please feel free to come up an say hello to the chunky bass player, that's me.

    Scream Lounge
    20 South End
    CR0 1DN

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