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Posts posted by korerok

  1. hey guys i have a music man S.U.B an am about to get a gibson victory artist iv never bothed to insure gear be for but it seams more an more ppl are geting stuff stolen nowerdays any advice on this wud be awsome

    how much sjud i insure them for an shud i also do my amp

    2ed thing is shud i join the musicians union what are the benifits of doing so

    as always im really sorry for my spelling i have very bad dyslexia an not just lazy


    ps is this the right place for this ?

  2. [i]by the beard[/i] of [i]Zeus thats was some fast delivey wud have taken me longer to drive an pick it up form you thanks so much for the pedal really good pricing on this an a top guy to deal with wud trade with agen [/i]


  3. ya it was an indoor door matt ther were 90p so i got 2 of them rather than the more explesive stuff i will see how it works out im not goinna be taking things on an off all the time so think it shud be ok i had to use 2 as its 27in long im thinking of geting an old suit case to put it in an divide it up in side so i dont need my flight case as well havet desided yet the i really shud have got the case 1st an then made it to fit but that wud be to easy lol

  4. what do you think guys not finshed yet need some flight case corners an some handles but its geting there i have mounted a power supply inside of it an cut some holes to pull wises up throu , so ya here it is feed back wud be cool as its the 1st one iv ever made an already ppl want them so what wud make it better cheers guys


  5. hey guys i have a double bass that i was given but dont have the time to do up it needs a brige an there is some damage i will try posy some pic asap
    i wanted to no what you this it might be worth
    i might trade for a amp or combo price im thinkin 175? or make me an offer
    also sorry if this is in the wrong place

    cheers guys

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