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  1. Greetings all, I've been playing my acoustic bass for a few years now and it's now time to buy an electric. I haven't played an electric bass for many, many years. I used to play a friends US precision a lot, way back. I'm on old punk rocker so Stranglers and PIL bass lines (and basses cut out for this job) do it for me. So...what I'm looking into is a hidden, mid-priced gem, that would fit the bill. At the moment, going purely on research, I'm thinking of going for a G&L L2000 tribute, or a 2nd hand US precision if a bargain pops up over the next few weeks. But if anyone can point me towards another outstanding bass around this price range I would be very grateful. I do have very long fingers and have played a few Aria's etc that felt far too spindly in my big hands, so chunkier necks are a preferance. Feedback would be gratefully received Cheers all Tallbloke
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