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Posts posted by ScreencastTutor

  1. I'm considering an electric guitar for whenever Rocksmith comes out in the UK. Does anyone have any recommendations? When deciding on my bass I went for a Squier VM Jazz Bass because it seemed to be better quality than the very cheapest but still great value.

    Also would it be necessary to purchase a separate amp? Or could I just use my bass amp and some headphones like I do with the bass?

    PS, I prefer to use it for funk, otherwise as versatile as possible.

  2. [quote name='Cameronj279' timestamp='1339354504' post='1687350']
    Was considering putting a video here but everybody is way above my level at both playing and their recording...I don't want to embarrass myself :blush:

    Here, you can post after my out-of-time, out-of-control, over-the-top nooby playing after a night out. :) I also forgot to boost the volume on b2.1u so I qualify for that as well. :lol: :lol:

  3. Not my favourite MM song but still love most of the stuff he does. Big fan of Blast and wish I could play it:


  4. I was just thinking about this as well, probably bridge and possibly pickups. Something I've noticed lately is the inconsistent spacing of the strings on my bass. Is this just luck of the draw or is there something with the bridge I can tweak? Basically the G string is a fair bit in from the side and the E string is very close to the side. It seems a bit off center - bridge to head that is.

    PS. Never played any other bass in my life so maybe its just standard. Also sorry for semi derail.

  5. Well I started video my playing in an attempt to get better and track my progress. Welcome all criticism and tips, especially on technique and timing. At the moment I really enjoy just playing some slap bass to a drum beat and making it up as I go along. Here is my latest video (mistakes aplenty, I just make up whatever), some older videos are also on the same account.


    Tried mixing in some Level 42 (I haven't properly learned as you will be able to tell). Have a problem on missing the string when I am plucking anything other than the G string, especially when I am plucking with index on A and middle on D.

  6. The Mark King left hand slap is nice but surely its only useful for making a muted noise? Especially fast parts - like the small section in Pow - double thumbing seems useful:


    Love Games was probably the first song I ever tried to learn on bass :)

  7. Not sure if its in the book but don't suppose you have "Machine Stops"?

    Edit - seems to be in volume 2.

    Heaven in My Hands appears to be on [url="http://www.forevernow.com/tablature.shtml"]http://www.forevernow.com/tablature.shtml[/url]

  8. Yeah, was just wondering if anyone had any they could recommend. I started off with this one but I haven't really come across others by him which aren't just constant double thumbing:


    Other than that I've just been trying to incorporate it into some improv to a drumbeat.

  9. I've been trying to learn and improve my double thumbing. Wondering if anyone has some nice riffs to learn.

    Also at the moment I double thumb over the fretboard (at the very bottom) in the same place and where I slap regularly. Is this alright or is it better to move a bit further down where the space under the strings is greater?

  10. [quote name='bengreen49' timestamp='1328568032' post='1529418']
    Thanks for the welcome and the advice.

    I am practising but I've hit a wall (if you know what I mean). I feel like I am just muddling along right now. To keep it interesting I am learning stuff from bands and genre's that I wouldn't normally listen to (which can't be bad) and is actually way more fun than getting beaten by the hard parts of songs that I do know!


    I'm in Macmerry just off the A1.

    Ah I used to go to nursery school in Macmerry, once upon a time. I'm still awful at playing but I would recommend playing along to a drumbeat or metronome. I never used to bother but that meant everything I played was out of time (and still is). Also recommend MarloweDK on youtube - [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK?feature=g-u-u"]http://www.youtube.com/user/MarloweDK?feature=g-u-u[/url] certainly for slap he is very helpful.

  11. Maybe a long shot but does anyone know anywhere I could get hold of some Fatback Band and some Larry Graham/Graham Central Station tabs?

    I know Pow and Hair from Larry but would really like a proper Earthquake tab. Not found any Fatback, in particular interested in (too fast for my noobyness to see whats going on) - [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G09UgQ1Ojn4&feature=related[/media]

  12. [quote name='Mikeg' timestamp='1323419480' post='1463037']
    You cant hold no groove- Victor Wooten

    Took me ages to learn but I finally got most of it down :D

    Please post a vid. I love that song.

    I've been trying to learn one of Marlowe's riffs. Seems faster than I thought:


  13. This thread is the bomb. I have to show some love to my favourite all time The Fatback Band. They don't get mentioned enough if you ask me - I could post 10 or so awesome grooves from them.

    No their most groovy but one of the most fun bass-lines. Check out some other Fatback though, Freak The Funk The Funk is also a favourite.

    Another under appreciated song used for the 2pac song California

    Others I love:
    [b]Whispers - The Beat Goes On - probably the best groove[/b]
    Anything on Fever 105 radio station from Vice City video game
    Fatback Band - King Tim III (birth of hip-hop)
    Cameo - Keep it Hot - used by Ice Cube (also various other songs with strong groove).

    Most of the others everyone will probably know.

  14. Thanks guys. I checked out the links for bass tabs which is great. It doesn't have a couple of the things I'm most interested in though:

    Fatback Band - lots of songs which are great, seems to be a long shot to find. They have some really nice slap basslines.
    Larry Graham - Earthquake - there are a couple of tabs kicking around but they don't seem even half right.

    Also checked out the other thread about an Edinburgh meetup, would be interested in coming along but way too nooby to play. Been meaning to check out the jazz bar next to Adam House, has anyone been?

  15. New here but this is my kinda thread. Agree about MM's sound but I still love most of his work. MK is initially what got me into bass and his music is some of the most fun to play. Other than those mentioned (and Louis Johnson) my favourites:

    Larry Graham - gotta love the energy

    Victor Wooten (initially wasn't a fan because it seems over the top)

    Also love this

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