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Chris Wilson

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About Chris Wilson

  • Birthday 27/08/1978

Chris Wilson's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)


Total Watts

  1. Do you enjoy playing music but not music lessons? Frustrated with learning the technical aspects of music but not playing for the reasons you want to be - that is, because you enjoy music? Learning songs in lessons you have no interest in and finding this is losing your passion for playing? I will help you learn the songs YOU want to learn, and i believe in doing so this will help you become a better player. I have 24 years experience of playing music and fifteen of playing the bass guitar, have played in numerous bands, toured nationally in own bands and on a session level and have played on numerous releases which have received acclaim in the national press and industry attention. To hear some of the projects i have been involved with, please check the following link:s http://www.facebook.com/canayauk www.facebook.com/pages/Executive-Distraction-Tasks http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oaks I specialise in Rock, Metal and Alternative and as a trial session am happy to give the first lesson free. For more information, please contact Chris Wilson on; 07933 829614
  2. This is the place to say hi, tell us a bit about the gear you have, the kind of music you play and how long you've been playing for. (Moderated by Dood.) Hi there - i currently have a Musicman Stingray 5, Ampeg SVT3 pro head , Sansamp Tech 21 pedal, Korg Pitchblack Tuner and two 4x10 Hlf classic cabs. Only thing is, i'm not quite happy with my sound. The sansamp has improved things a lot but i notice when i play live and use other cabs the sound seems to be much better. The lower notes tend to get lost which could be due to the bass needing a set up - but i have a friend who has similar problems with his cabs. Can anyone shed any light on whether this is an Ampeg problem? On top of this i have been reccommended Orange cabs - do these work well with an Svt? Any advice would be appreciated before i go and shell out money on some more equipment i might not need. Thanks. Chris.
  3. Do you enjoy playing music but not music lessons? Frustrated with learning the technical aspects of music but not playing for the reasons you want to be - that is, because you enjoy music? Learning songs in lessons you have no interest in and finding this is losing your passion for playing? I will help you learn the songs YOU want to learn, and i believe in doing so this will help you become a better player. I have 24 years experience of playing music and fifteen of playing the bass guitar, have played in numerous bands, toured nationally in own bands and on a session level and have played on numerous releases which have received acclaim in the national press and industry attention. To hear some of the projects i have been involved with, please check the following link:s [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UviJeLYp45w[/media] [url="http://www.facebook.com/canayauk"]http://www.facebook.com/canayauk[/url] www.facebook.com/pages/Executive-Distraction-Tasks [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oaks"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oaks[/url] I specialise in Rock, Metal and Alternative and as a trial session am happy to give the first lesson free. For more information, please contact Chris Wilson on; 07933 829614
  4. Do you enjoy playing music but not music lessons? Frustrated with learning the technical aspects of music but not playing for the reasons you want to be - that is, because you enjoy music? Learning songs in lessons you have no interest in and finding this is losing your passion for playing? I will help you learn the songs YOU want to learn, and i believe in doing so this will help you become a better player. I have 24 years experience of playing music and fifteen of playing the bass guitar, have played in numerous bands, toured nationally in own bands and on a session level and have played on numerous releases which have received acclaim in the national press and industry attention. To hear some of the projects i have been involved with, please check the following links: A video for a track off my current band's ep can be viewed here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UviJeLYp45w [url="http://www.facebook.com/canayauk"] My current band Canaya http://www.facebook.com/canayauk[/url] - My insane tech shred band here - www.facebook.com/pages/Executive-Distraction-Tasks [url="http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oaks"]http://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Oaks[/url] For more information, please contact; Chris Wilson at [email protected] Or call or text 07933 829614
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