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Everything posted by lewisf81

  1. Hi, new here so be gentle!! I bought my first bass about 9 months ago, it was an eBay special for about £45 new! (all I know about it is its black and says "spider" on the head) I have been playing in a band with a few mates for a couple of months and we are looking to start gigging soon so I am looking to invest in a new bass. I've been looking on-line for the last couple of evenings but don't really know what I'm lookin for so any advice would be much appreciated! My requirements are: sub £400 price tag we mostly play rock and grunge covers at the moment so must sound good for that type of music I want something that looks a bit different if poss, but dont like the look of the fenders or warlocks I like the look of the ESP LTD F-104, any ideas if its any good? thanks in advance for your time
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