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Posts posted by elom

  1. [quote name='mister g' post='261248' date='Aug 12 2008, 11:10 PM']hellllloooo, right where to start ?,

    hi ,,love to all,and once again hello,
    yours all bassed up yet again 15 years on , mark. :)[/quote]
    Hi Mark and welcome to basschat. We've got allsorts on here from teenagers to pensioners so no need to consider yourself an old fart just yet. Also, there are lots of 'boomerang bassists' on here who have returned to the bass-playing fraternity after a long absence, including myself.

    Just have fun and try to avoid the dreaded GAS!


  2. Just got back from the first gig with my new rig, Mark Bass LM2 and Bergantino AE112. They only arrived yesterday so I was in two minds whether to gig them but even in a tiny pub it just sounded awesome. Crystal clear, cut through the mix like a dream - I'm as pleased as punch.

    It was the first time that the band has played for a month because of holidays and I think the break has done us good. Sounded tight and I think we all had quite a lot of fun.

  3. [quote name='OldGit' post='256719' date='Aug 6 2008, 09:01 PM']Get real and do what everyone else has to do .... buy off the web or get in your car and drive to Bass Direct in the midlands, (about 2 hours, maximum, from stokes croft,) the Gallery in London (2 hours drive) or the bass merchant in deepest Essex (Ok a bit further but still only 3.5 hours away)[/quote]

    Mansons in Exeter is about 1.5 hours away. Good range of kit including high end stuff and great service. Also +1 for Bass Direct.

  4. Someone had a fantastic Bass Collection Speakeasy for sale - mint condition, really light, active, P/J and only £175 - oh hang on, I think that was me! :)

    The bass is here: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=24700&st=0&p=252438&#entry252438"]Bass Collection Speakeasy[/url]

    Why that would leave you £225 left from your budget for a great combo + cab. By pure chance I happen to have those for sale too for £220! Buy them all and I'll throw in a box of jaffa cakes and hand delivery them to you!

    Okay, that's enough shameless plugging from me (but it is a great bass though...).

  5. Seems like about a 50/50 split between those who fly with and without a safety net. I think that I'm going to carry on erring on the side of caution and still take a back-up. My skills don't extend to confidently transposing my parts around the missing string and a re-string mid set is probably too much disruption.

  6. I've always taken a backup bass with me to gigs - just in case.

    However I've never had so much as a string break. Talking to Mark (poptart) at Bass Direct HQ last week he was saying that he only ever gigs with one bass and has never broken a string in many years of playing. Then reading BGM this evening I notice in the Jeff Berlin article that [i]he[/i] only ever has one bass too.

    All this gets me thinking, I am being over-cautious? Should I just stick a spare set of strings in the bag and re-string if the worst happens? It would certainly be more convenient not to have to carry a 2nd bass on gigs.

    Would be interested to know what the rest of you guys do.



  7. Can't believe there's been no interest in this. Beautiful small, light active bass with professional set up and smooth low action - well worth your consideration.

    I'll quote the 'Verdict' from the review that attached to my post:

    [indent][i]"Excellent for the money. The Speakeasy's downsized vibe and lack of weight, not to mention it's cool styling, should have serious cross-gender appeal. Those who are looking for a first instrument, an affordable active addition to their arsenal or a home recording tool will love the Speakeasy's splendid range of easily accessible sounds."[/i][/indent]

    I'll try and take a few more pictures tomorrow too.
  8. [quote name='ben_eat_pie' post='253253' date='Aug 2 2008, 12:13 PM']why hasn't this sold yet, great rig for a great price.[/quote]
    Yes I've been wondering this too. I think the problem was the phrase "[i]potential [/i]biscuit accessories". So now I feel the need to up the ante.

    Are you ready for this basschatters? This is a truly stupendous offer...

    Buy this combo and, in addition to the aforementioned cup of tea, receive [u]as many jaffa cakes as you can eat in a single sitting[/u]. Oh yes indeed! Just watch it fly out the door now...

  9. Up for sale is my Bass Collection Speakeasy - 4 string in sunburst.

    I love this bass. I don't want to sell it. However I now have 5 basses which is more than I can justify and I need to raise some cash so here we are. For Bass Collection aficionados this is not an SGC Nanyo rather the new re-issue. Make no mistakes though this is a quality instrument (see attached review) with a slender neck and super-light body that makes it so easy to play. The active P/J combination produces a very versatile range of sounds with slap, pick and fingerstyle.

    I bought this new last year from [url="http://www.mansons.co.uk"]Mansons[/url] for £299 and the setup is exellent. It has been gigged regularly but for the past 9 months has been my back-up bass and has rarely been played. I've just given it a thorough inspection and can't find even a blemish so I'm happy to describe the condition as mint.

    I am selling this (with an old, tatty but functional gig bag) for just [b]£175[/b].

    I'd prefer collection from Exeter but would also be happy to post. £20 seems to be about the going rate so let's say that.

    I was going to give the Speakeasy a fairwell gig next weekend but wont now just on the off-chance that I might ding it!

    Any questions, please ask.



    P.S. I also have an Ashdown MAG rig for sale - they work well together so why not buy both?

  10. I've just placed an order for a new rig so time to let the old one go...

    This is a good solid Ashdown rig with a MAG210 combo plus Deep 115 extension cab. Stacked together I must confess that they have a certain presence...


    The combo is in good condition and has seen active gigging service on a weekly basis for the past 18 months without ever letting me down. It was professionally serviced by 'v-Amps' of Devon earlier this year and I could probably find the receipt for the service if you really wanted it. This combo has seen me through all sorts of venues and I rarely need the extra cab - if I ever needed more power I would just DI but the cab on it's own is more than sufficient for pubs/halls. All is in excellent working condition apart from the VU meter which still lights up but doesn't move, not that this affects the sound in any way.

    The Deep 115 cab is in excellent condition. I have used it only twice in the last 18 months and there is not a lot more to say than that!

    This is a great rig that wont break the bank. Both units are a comfortable one man carry but (for you neo fans) you will need to use both hands!

    Seeing as we are in a [i]credit crunch[/i] (sounds better than recession doesn't it?) I'm looking for a little lower than the usual for these. [s][b]£140 for the Combo, £90 for the cab[/b] or a bargain basement [b]£220 for the pair[/b]. [/s]

    [color="#FF0000"][size=5][b]FINAL REDUCTION: Combo £125, Cab £75[/b][/size][/color]

    Collection only from the Exeter area and you are more than welcome to try before you buy. (This offer includes a free cup of tea with potential biscuit accessories, dependent on availability). Oh and the bass in the picture is for sale too!


  11. Lots of wise advice in this thread (much like when I asked the same question 18 months ago back on bassworld) to which I would add:
    [*]Start with your 2nd best song, finish the encore with your best song
    [*]Look like you're having fun even if you're not - it makes it easier for the audience to have a good time
    [*]When you make a mistake - don't wince - smile! (they will spot the wince more than the mistake)
    [*]Don't leave extended gaps between songs and don't play 'the tuning up song'
    [*]Look like you're having fun even if you're not - it makes it easier for the audience to have a good time (worth repeating!)

    The first gig is daunting but it will not be a disaster and subsequent gigs will be easier.

    Let us know how you get on,


  12. [quote name='Happy Jack' post='249747' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:25 PM']If you're in Wolverhampton then you could always grab the audience's attention by starting with [b][i]"Hey, Coventry! Good to be here!".[/b][/i]


    Or by shouting "Come on you Baggies"

    elom (Wolverhampton Poly alumni - well would have been if he'd graduated...)

  13. At our last gig (which was one of those with lots of foot tapping but not much dancing) eventually a lone female got up on the dancefloor. She was just starting to feel self-conscious when some idiot comes out from where he's been standing all evening and starts dancing with her - that would be me!

    (Actually it got a round of applause and more people started dancing so I could retire gracefully)


  14. [quote name='silverfoxnik' post='238411' date='Jul 13 2008, 11:26 AM']Twin Peaks is one of my all time favourites.. Angelo Badalamenti, I believe?

    and just to keep the David Lynch theme going, Blue Velvet..[/quote]

    For Balamenti/Lynch, how about 'The Straight Story' - guaranteed to relax you to coma level. Fits the film perfectly and works as an album on its own.

  15. For the one wedding booking we have had (which fell through at the last minute due to illness) the groom requested Iron Maiden's "Bring Your Daughter to the Slaughter"! We'd have done it too, although the bride's father was fairly high up in the local constabulary so maybe it wouldn't have been the cleverest idea.

  16. [quote name='elom' post='222803' date='Jun 20 2008, 12:03 PM']My first bass was a Weston Thunder II (Mark 3). I've been on the lookout for one since I got back into bass but they seem to be pretty thin on the ground. However, if I'm not mistaken, you have one hanging on your wall! Sweet!

    nice collection


    Yeehaw! Just bagged one on fleabay - first one I've seen on there in 18 months of looking so I am well chuffed. I know that I don't really need another bass but I couldn't let this one get away. Even has the proper Westone case too - can't wait for it to arrive now.

  17. I have 4 basses ranging from a Harley Benton to a Hugh Manson but the one that is really 'my bass' is my Fender Performer. The sound is quite similar to a Jazz in many respects but what make its it such a joy to play is the pencil thin neck. Throw in the unique styling and the rarity factor (come on, how many have you seen?) and it just seems to make it a bit special. It's old and battered but that just adds character and means I'm not afraid to fling it about a bit! Other basses will come and go but I think this one is here for as long as I play bass.


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