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Everything posted by squillybet

  1. Doddy you'll be pleased to know that I can already sight read music! Yay for me! I get the finger a fret thing but 1,2,4? Could someone enlighten me I feel like I'm being a little slow here!
  2. Cheers everyone! It's all really great advice!
  3. Hey Guys and Gals! So Basically this is a plea for help (unsurprisingly!) I used to play bass a lot when I was younger and got pretty good (even if I do say so myself!). I then had a child and subsequently ended up with no time for playing in any form really. So I have recently decided that life without bass is pretty pointless now that I have some time to pick it back up, this is indeed what I'm attempting! The problem with this is that I suck... badly and where as before I started playing bass as a favour for a friends band so was just learning all of their stuff, I've now decided I'd quite like to do this properly but I have no idea where to start! I taught myself last time but without a band I just dont know what to do with myself! Any Ideas? Cheers Sarah (also I'd like to say that my new favourite smiley is <he makes me happy!)
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