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About donalgaine

  • Birthday 15/01/1991

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  1. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  2. Hi. I bought my Fender jazz bass (mexican) in about 2007 It's got a chromme red finish with a rosewood fretboard I'v gigged with it plenty of times and it's a nice peice of wood with a great tone. It's got some small imperfections on the head after knocking it but i'd say it's in good condition visually. I'm looking to trade it for something similar. possibly an ernie ball , I like sting rays but i'm open for offerers. I'd get my bass re strung and cleaned properly to get all my crap of if anyones intersted. :=)
  3. hey. how about a trade with an American Fender Jazz bass? nifty slim neck too.
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