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Posts posted by rbatts2000

  1. Hi all

    Just a quick question regarding Stingrays. Apart from the obvious 'missing' mid eq knob/functionality on a 2EQ Stingray, is there a reason for the big difference in price between a 2EQ and 3EQ Stingray?

    E.g., [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/products.php?s=&k=stingray&x=0&y=0&m=Brands&c=Products&r=Price+Range"]Check out the top two prices[/url]

    Many thanks


  2. Hi all

    I will be purchasing a new bass in November/December time and was wondering which places (in the East Midlands/South Yorkshire area) I will need to check out. I already know about Electromusic in Doncaster but I would like to visit a few shops to try out as many basses as I can. I live in Lincoln and anywhere within a couple of hours drive would be fine.

    I am (almost certainly) buying a Stingray, but I could be tempted with other options as and when I see/try them.

    Many thanks


  3. [quote name='stingrayfan' post='239107' date='Jul 14 2008, 01:03 PM']Not sure I agree with that. Just bought an iMac after usings PCs for 15 years and the iMac is better built, faster, quieter and the software is in a different league to anything I've ever used on a PC. Yes, I could have bought a top notch PC for half the price with Vista, but sometimes you do get what you pay for.[/quote]

    Uh-oh - let's not start a 'PC v Mac' argument. I've seen them before on forums and they ain't pretty! :)

  4. [quote name='tauzero' post='218285' date='Jun 13 2008, 01:28 PM']Hmmm, lightweight sensitive speakers - sounds like a job for [url="http://www.billfitzmaurice.com"]BFM[/url]...

    How good are you at woodwork? :)[/quote]

    This is the route I currently going down... :huh:

  5. I am tempted but unfortunately, as it's Fathers' Day, I have to stay at home whilst my little one tells me how much he loves me in the only way a 16 month old know how - by climbing all over me and poking at my eyes. :)

  6. [quote name='tauzero' post='204347' date='May 22 2008, 03:13 PM']The future Mrs Zero can sing rather well and would love to be in the band, but the band axis is the drummer and guitarist (I've only been in for three years, so I'm a newcomer) and they're reluctant to have a female singer for some reason. I think they're being rather closed-minded. Still, I shall carry on trying, and I suspect the drummer's wife will also try putting her oar in for the future Mrs Zero.[/quote]

    What about setting up an 'audition' for the future Mrs. Zero just to see how it goes. The drummer and guitarist may like what they hear...

  7. I have only ever had one audition (with my current band) and I found that, although I was the least best player/backing vocalist out of the three that auditioned (don't get me wrong - I can still kick ass! :)), I was the one who 'fitted' in the best, and therefore got the job.

    I think that this it related to what cetera said earlier about making sure that you get on with the rest of the band - it makes it so much easier for them to choose you.

  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='155919' date='Mar 12 2008, 01:36 PM']Any update on this? I've just asked a relative to pick one up for me in the US. I should have it next week.

    I will let you guys know what I think![/quote]

    Any update on how you are getting on with your mini Eden? I am currently negotiating with my sister to pick one up for me (she lives in the states) and then pay her back when I see her next month. :)

    I think it'll complement (or is it compliment? I'm never sure!) the Omni 10 cabinet I'm about to start building...

  9. [quote name='queenofthedepths' post='187716' date='Apr 29 2008, 12:12 AM']This weekend I've learned:
    Are You Gonna Go My Way - Lenny Kravitz
    I Disappear - Metallica
    Purple Haze - Jimi Hendrix
    Cigarettes and Alcohol - Oasis
    Circles - Incubus
    Bullet in the Head - Rage Against the Machine
    Black Hole Sun - Soundgarden
    my guitarists' suggestions for covers - [b]I turned up for practise today and no-one had learned them[/b] ;)[/quote]
    This sounds like most practices I've been to over the years. You spend hours listening and re-listening to songs only for the others to either not bother learning them, or worst still, change their minds and suggest other songs for learning... :)

    Anyway, rant over. The last song I (and the rest of the band :huh: ) learnt was 'Lola' by the Kinks.

  10. Hi all

    I'm off to Michigan, USA in June and I am toying with the idea of picking up a new amp (head only). My basic grasp of electronics tells me that they don't use the same voltage as in the UK - but are there amps available which have a switch that changes between the two voltages (230/120)? If not, is it too much hassle to convert the voltage once I get back in the UK?

    Many thanks


  11. [quote name='Alun' post='167163' date='Mar 31 2008, 07:10 PM']My Fostex four track - hasn't left the box since I discovered studio software and my laptop but can't bring myself to part with it.
    I'm the same with my old Tascam Portastudio 424 - I haven't used it for years but it's still in the attic...somewhere.

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