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Posts posted by michaelwatmough

  1. We were very annoyed that your order went wrong with us, we have sorted the problems with the couriers now, obviously that's of no use to you though. It unfortunately happens occasionally, we've had a pretty good run of deliveries being 100% fine but things do go wrong sometimes.

    Sad to hear it's put you off looking at the Overwaters. I'd definitely encourage you to take an opportunity to try one if you can at some point. The response from people actually picking up and playing them in store has been brilliant.

    And just to reiterate, the problems were at our end and didn't involve Overwater or Tanglewood. We are one of Tanglewood's biggest customers in the UK and have had a very long relationship with them. I'd hate to see a failing on our part be seen to be anything to do with them or indeed Overwater.

    Michael - Musicians Centre

    [quote name='Wiseoldfrog' post='1195601' date='Apr 11 2011, 12:31 PM']I'd just like to say that Chris May (head honcho at Overwater) PM'd be to find out what the issue was with my delivery problem to ensure such a thing doesn't happen again.

    The fact that he personally got involved in this just shows what great support I would imagine people can expect from Overwater.


  2. [quote name='sime17' post='1181598' date='Mar 29 2011, 10:50 PM']I have yet to find out whether the fives are 35" or not[/quote]

    The [url="http://www.musicianscentre.com/tanglewood-overwater-aspiration-deluxe-5-string-black.html"]Overwater Aspiration Deluxe[/url] we have in is definitely 35". Just measured it.

  3. [quote name='Brother Jones' post='1148318' date='Mar 3 2011, 01:18 PM']Thanks for that video Michael. The Tanglewaters just look better and better. I suspect they will have a lot of trouble accommodating demand.

    I hate to mention this, but has the word 'fretless' been used in any connection with any of them?[/quote]

    I didn't hear the word "fretless" used during our visit. I imagine they want to get the production of the range that is [url="https://www.facebook.com/album.php?id=20729515824&aid=269215"]currently available[/url] flowing right before they look at other options, but I wouldn't say it's out of the question.

  4. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1146894' date='Mar 2 2011, 11:08 AM']I got the impression he is happy to do whatever to get across the message that these are "Overwaters" made by Tanglewood and not just a licensing excercise.[/quote]

    Yeah, it's a lot more than a licencing exercise. Chris has been to the factory and has been involved in the basses from the ground up, down to every nut and bolt. It shows in the end product. I'd love to see more of this sort of collaboration, I think it's the best way instrument quality can increase within the import market.

  5. [quote name='BassBunny' post='1146792' date='Mar 2 2011, 09:45 AM']Great Vid Michael. Wish we had done the same when Cjhris brought them up to Moffat.
    He is really excited about them and i love the way he calls them "Tanglewaters"[/quote]

    Haha, I didn't hear him call them that. But that's good, I'll remember that. Felt a bit mean pointing a camera at him when he was at a key point of a two year process but he was a true gent and didn't bat an eyelid.

  6. Hope posting this isn't out of order, but I work in a music shop in Yorkshire and we went to see the Tanglewood Overwaters arriving today in Leeds and made a video which you can see here:


    We're very excited about showing these to people. Chris was great to talk to and he deserves success with this range.

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