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Posts posted by Nyl

  1. wow i really enjoyed.

    I was a little daunted by it lasting almost 10 mins, but really enjoyed it all.

    If i had any comments, and please take them in the constructive way they are intended :), because i couldn't have played like that!
    After a few minutes (3 or 4) it all starts to sound more natural and fluid with more soul. I personally preferred from 5 mins onwards where you've moved down the neck a bit.

    i could easily listen to another 10 mins

  2. So we finally got some half decent recordings so i thought i'd share them.

    Not 100% finished with them, a few little tweaks here and there needed but let me know what you think:
    [url="http://soundcloud.com/i-an/sets/studio-tracks"]Soundcloud Link[/url]

    Also, on the off chance anyone knows a drummer going spare around Stevenage, we are in need :)

  3. i'm in the same boat here, want to able to switch between loops, but also have the option of having an effect in more then 1 loop.

    The Octaswitch looks the business for me, i don't see the point of the all singing all dancing Gigrig.
    I'm almost half tempted to sit down with an Arduino and build one myself, but i'm probably too lazy

  4. ha, that is a fair old size for a pedal board, but as you say those moogs ain't small.

    Have you not considered making one? wood, screws, paint, velco, hinges and fixings.
    I started making one but then halfway through just bought a Diago

  5. yeah i always assumed they were doing something too,

    as a side now, if they only adsorb a certain amount of moisture, and normal bass playing conditions do not change very much, then couldn't they provide some kind of equalisation of moisture to a small extent, when moist they pick up some moisture, when dry they release some?

  6. one thing that bugs me, is going into a shop for something basic only to be told they don't have it but can order it in, but if i go home and order it online it will be shipped to my house, and they don't seem to understand this.

    I guess it comes down the original point that physical shops needs to offer more in terms of service then simple order fulfilment.

  7. i'm also starting to look for a USB interface,and i'm defo looking down the cheaper end :)

    a mate gave me a link that's quite good, although i don't understand all the column headings

    I'm tempted with he Tascam 122 or 144, if only because i've always used their 4 tracks.

    and as a quick edit, i've hear that some do not work great with the 64bit versions of Windows, just a point to consider if have windows 7, or running 64bit XP or Vista

  8. oh, not sure whats up with the link, works fine for me :)
    but thank you of giving it a go.

    and cheers Gusto, i think i'm the same, Come Die seems to washy popping bland, but seems to work well in the set to mix things up

  9. Hi BC'ers

    Thought i'd introduce my band, we've been together for about 2 years, but very loosely. It has not been unheard of for months to pass without so much as a practice.
    But we're getting more active now, and got ourselves a live recording down at SoundArc in Befordshire.

    We're a 3 piece and just want to play good music :)

    We've put 3 tracks up, give em a listen and any feedback is welcome, and any support slots :)


    and the ol FB page if you are so inclined

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