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Everything posted by pixiedust

  1. Thank you everyone I will try a few of those suggestions , didnt go to my last practice session I was at a friends party. I will let you know how the next one goes and thanks for the advice its always welcome.
  2. Hi the music is pop mainly occassionly its pop/rock im playing the root notes at the moment as I havent got the hang of the chords yet. I have a music tutor who I see once a week for 30mins as cant afford to extend the lesson theyre not cheap! He said just playing root notes for now is fine work on timing and fingering finding my way around the fret board before moving on to chords.
  3. Thanks everyone. The advice came in handy and the practice wasnt as bad as I thought. They didnt say anything when I played the wrong note which I did a couple of times, or when my bass went quiet in the middle of a song when I lost my place on the music sheet. I thought it was really bad but they had someone come in and assess me and he said Ive got the rhythm which he said can take some bass players a while to pick up. I dont know if he was just being kind but at least Im still in the band. Im still nervous the two guitarists said just watch them and change notes everytime they do and relax. Any advice about changing notes would be good and thanks again.
  4. Hi everyone Im fairly new to bass and the band want me to practice with them despite me telling them im not ready yet. Anyway my question is does anyone have any tips or suggestions so I dont look a complete idiot tomorrow. My music teacher said just follow the drummer but hes new to drumming so please help. Thanks
  5. Thanks everyone for your help im really glad i joined this forum will deffo look at amps you recomended on this site hopefully someone will have what i need. Thanks again guys.
  6. Hi im new to playing bass and would like some advice on what pratice amp would be best for someone like myself. I have an SRX300 by ibanez what amp would best suit this bass please help.
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