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Posts posted by halfmanhalfdrum

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1283037' date='Jun 26 2011, 03:24 PM']I really think thats great, to still own and play a bass bought 30 years ago.

    If I`d had the courage of my convictions, I`d have bought a US Precision in 87 when I bought my first "real" bass, and am sure it would still be with me now, rather than the many basses I`ve bought/sold over the years, trying to get the sound in my head - which was a Precision, doh!

    Still, was fun though.[/quote]

    It's all about perception in my opinion. I once bought an old Encore P bass for £50 and took it to a reheareal. I thought it sounded pretty good for a cheap bass but the guitarist, who was of the opinion that anything made outside of the USA was rubbish, announced to the rest of band that it sounded crap and I should buy a "real" one. Over the following couple of weeks I reliced the encore, adding a fender logo and took it to the rehearsal claiming that it was a '68 Precision. Said guitarist stated that it was the best bass he'd ever heard! There is so much snobbery in music. I'm not bothered what anyone else plays - Isn't it about having fun at the end of the day?

  2. You can do it yourself. I used 1cm wide Mammoth double sided tape on mine - after removing the two grub screws - and it worked a treat. It doesn't move. It's available on eBay. Remember to adjust the pick-up poles in relation to your string action - size 4 allen key.

    It's an awesome pickup and I can still get a convincing DB sound with floor shaking volume and no feedback!

  3. [quote name='barneythedog' post='1223135' date='May 7 2011, 01:01 PM']Reviving an old thread - I've just received my Promethean combo and guess what - it hisses!!

    Thing is it doesn't seem volume related at all - the gain and master settings don't appear to have any effect on the level of hiss - it sounds like psu interference to me?? At least the plus is that at gigi volumes it'll be inaudible.

    So, should I send it back?

    Any comments?[/quote]

    I had a similar problem with mine. The cure? A top quality lead is all it took to fix it. Try it, you might be pleasantly suprised.


  4. [quote name='Lozz196' post='1164030' date='Mar 16 2011, 08:01 AM']I heard JJ using his last night, at The O2 Academy, in Oxford. Great sound, and amazing presence in the mix - though obviously it was going through FOH.

    It only made me want one of these even more. Darn![/quote]

    Go for it! I love mine. It's the best bit of kit I've ever bought. Period!

  5. Just purchased one of these today on the strength of your review. Same model as yours - one of the first ten without the signature and UK built to boot. What an amp, absolutely awesome! The range of tones available is outstanding. My P bass and Musicman SUB have never sounded so good. I can't wait to gig it. These should fly off the shelves. Absolute bargain. Cheers for the great review.

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