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Everything posted by Putty

  1. Turns out the high pitch tone is a feature of the Ashdown amp, having to use my old behringer for now. By recording in stereo I meant that the line out only used the right channel which meant recording onto a stereo track then splitting it to mono and deleting the left track which gets annoying after a few takes. It's nice to hear something good about the lightsnake cable, I had considered it but was put off by a couple of bad reviews. Do they work with passive basses? With regards to bass amp simulators I'm using a fantastic free VST called [url="http://tinyurl.com/22kgs5s"]Free Amp 3[/url], it's got some good presets and I'm starting to fiddle about to make my own.
  2. Ok, got everything setup now. DI out on amp to line in on my external soundcard with 30cm cable. It's working great (better sound and nice to have stereo for once) but I'm getting a very annoying constant high pitched tone which I don't get if I use the standard line output on the amp. Any ideas on how to get rid of this other than post recording noise removal? Thanks again for the help
  3. Thanks for the answer Stewart, exactly what I needed to know
  4. I'm starting to get into the whole recording side of things and have so far blown up two sound cards on my computer (possibly unrelated). It got me looking around as to the best way to record using what I've got. At the moment I'm running a cable from the line output on my ashdown t15-180 into a 3.5mm adaptor and into the line in on my soundcard. I've read a couple of places that ideally a DI box is needed somewhere between. My amp has a DI socket on it, will running a cable from there to my line in on the computer serve the same purpose as using a seperate DI box?
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