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Everything posted by TheMusicalElitist

  1. We're from all over really. However we rehearse in Stratford. And yourself? Nice Yam
  2. Hello all, Thanks for welcoming me here. I'm quite glad to have found this site. I'm primarily a drummer, but I do dabble in bass now and again. My weapon of choice is my Rickenbacker 4003, through my Ampeg SVT head and 8 x 10 cab. I've got various pedals, but my fav is my Maxon Overdrive, which gives it a bit of crunch. Anyway, thanks for the welcome and hope to speak to you allat some point! Nice one!
  3. Hello there, We are Ether. We are a 4 piece London based band playing pyschadelic , soaring alt rock music. We need a bass player to complete our band. We'd like someone who undestands the music, and gets on with us as people. We are not too worried about technical ability, but as long as you can play, it's all good! Here is our Myspace: www.myspace.com/ethersounds We have gigs lined up, and we rehease regularly. If you like what you hear, please do get in touch! Nice one! Ether.
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