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Posts posted by jjojjas

  1. in around 1987/88 I dragged my mother along to a guitar shop in Washington in NE England (Vamps if anyone lives that way on). I left with an Ibanez CT1. A budget 4 string with a skinny as hell neck. I learned to play (badly) on that bass and for years it moved around with me as I wandered in and out of playing bass as life passed by.

    Other basses and guitars came and went and the Ibanez just hung around, sometimes in a gigbag under the bed, sometimes on a stand in the corner of the room.

    Now I play a Fender Jazz and the Ibanez is shot. The frets were refinished a few times over the years and now they need changing....the neck has twisted and has a hairline crack in the knot in the back of the neck (yes...i bought a bass with a knot in the neck)...the body is made up of about four pieces of plywood and half a stone of filler and the pickups were replaced a decade ago when the others died.

    It just sits in the guitar stand taking up space.

    What would you do with it? I'm not usually one for sentimental attachment to a lump of cracked wood... but I'm not sure if I should throw it or not....


  2. Been toying about getting a semi decent bass for a while now, I have had the same ibanez for 22 years and its seen better days. I tried a Fender P once and I can't get away with the fat neck, so I bought a CIJ Jazz which was great...but I needed cash quick so it went. Two years later I have bought this for a bargain price...

    [attachment=120868:Photo 13-10-2012 at 15.jpg]

    [attachment=120870:Photo on 13-10-2012 at 15.jpg]

    Its great. Really has a good thump to the lower end and (importantly for me) the neck is spot on.
    I guess my telecaster is gonna get less use over the next few months :D

    Not sure why my mac has flipped it to be mirror image? Its not a lefty :mellow:


  3. Hi Guys,
    After read a lot of good reviews on here about Wizzard pups I decided to buy some today for my old Ibanez. There in the post to me now, but when I fit them (p/J configuration...Big ones) I want to change to two volume pots and the tone pot on the bass as they all crackle like hell. I have NO IDEA what to buy, so instead of taking a photo to a guitar shop I thought I'd ask for any advice? links to appropriate gear etc.
    Cheers in advance guys.

  4. I have hands like shovels and I just can't get on with the wide neck of the P. Thats about it really for me. I accept they both have their own unique sound, and visually I love the look of the J, but playability means a lot to me and I guess I'm just not as adaptable as some....the J it is for me. I had a lush P, looked and sounded great....but I couldn't get on with the neck so it went.

  5. doesn't really fuss me to be honest, as long as it "fits me" and sounds good/plays well then I can't imagine a colour put me off. My Ibanez is post box red....bloody horrid colour...but it fits me so well I don't even register it.

  6. I love my old ibanez. Its a budget CT1 from the late 80's with the pj pickup arrangement. Its been my main bass since I bought it and never let me down, only now are the electrics starting to crackle /pop and I need to get it sorted out. Love the thin neck....so much in fact that it spoilt my experience of a Fender P I bought a few months ago...just couldn't get past the fat neck. Would never sell it.

  7. I'd be more likely to buy less valuable items....but buy several of them. Not a huge fan of putting all your faith in one investment, particuarly such a fickle one like a vintage bass. Guitars seem to bring better cash (guess there are more guitarists?). I know a guy (husband of one of the women who works for me) who has 10 or 11 les Pauls. Whilst he plays them (occassionally...then polishes them) he does seem to have made a decent investment, even now they are worth more than the total outlay over the last 10 years of buying them, but he expects to cash in in another 30 years. Its a long term gamble, but I reckon its better than the single bass idea.
    I'm doing something similar with old vespa's. But I tend to buy what I will use/play as well.
    Good luck

  8. I think its important to remember that you can play two same versions (such as two MIM) of any bass back to back and get two different feels, sounds and impressions. However...My MIJ Jazz is leagues ahead of my briefly owned MIM P just on attention to detail in the finish....but if you didn't check them both out back to back you wouldn't know unless you were a serious fender buff. I know a guy with a 96 Jazz the same as mine, and its sounds quite different and mine is noticably heavier....such is the nature of wood!

    Having picked up most variations for brief periods of time, I'd say get the one that sounds and plays the best too you.........unless your after the MIA cudos....but the MIJ are starting to get a bit of a following now. ..... and I wouldn't shun a nice MIM.

    There you go. No help at all am I.

  9. [quote name='Bass_Guardian' post='1000535' date='Oct 25 2010, 09:47 PM']Had a shot of a artic white fender jazz (MN) and what a beauty and i fell in love with it straight away but im goin to give a P bass a bash ( not literally) tomorrow. Was in Guitar Guitar in glasgow :lol: what a shop[/quote]

    yeah, they usually have a decent choice, I frequent the Newcastle branch :)
    Try and get a jazz back to back with a P.

  10. [quote name='jonunders' post='1001271' date='Oct 26 2010, 04:07 PM']what should i be doing as a person new to bass![/quote]

    Enough to keep your interest :)

    Me, I play the bass probably about an hour a day at the minute, but I often play the guitar half an hour a day and leave the bass alone for a few weeks. I think to some extent they help each other (unlike say...if I was surfing instead of playing a stringed guitar type plank of wood)

  11. obviously you gotta try them to find out.
    Iv'e played the same ibanez for 22 years (on and off) and I decided I was gonna get that Fender P I'd always promised myself.......... Boy did I under estimate that neck width :lol: I just couldn't get on with it and after about 10 hours playing it I traded it on here for a Jap Jazz.. Way more suited to me. They both sound great with their own qualities....but if you just don't feel right with it, then its the wrong one regardless of sound :)
    Guess I just love skinny necks.

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