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Everything posted by Azrabella

  1. Ummmm... so if I string a short scale (26" or thereabouts) with extra heavy strings, then what do I have? If not a bass of sorts (ie, tuned lower than a guitar) then what. I understand that travel basses and SX bases have very short scale lengths - so are these true bases or what? Man, this is a bit of a minefield.
  2. This might sound a bit lame but what is the difference between a piccolo bass (apparently tuned up an octave) and an ordinary guitar with heavy gauge strings - leaving aside the number of strings? I have been looking and listening to a bit of Jeff Schmidt and it sounds all the world as if he's playing just that - a normal scale (at least for a guitar) with heavy strings. Any of you guys give me a heads up on this one, please.
  3. Stephen Amazing... anyone know anything about the bassist from UPP? Can't get any leads on him at all.
  4. Anyone out there tune to DADA? If so, do you recommend lighter gauge strings as I'm concerned that tuning up to A on the top string put too much tension on the neck of a J-bass? Any advice would be welcome
  5. [quote name='Gordy' post='964642' date='Sep 22 2010, 04:39 PM']Anybody interested?[/quote] Yep, I'll buy it.
  6. Azrabella

    Sansamp help

    I have a GT2 pedal I currently use as it is a left over from when I used to play guitar. Its quite good on certain settings but I was considering trying the Sansamp Bass DI. Anyone know of any major differences? or are they essentially the same thing?
  7. I guess most of you guys play in "standard" tuning, but I've always played guitar in either open G or open E (D). Anyone reckon I should conform now I intend playing bass, or should I carry on with open tunings? Just a thought, but I would appreciate feedback - (er, no pun meant) on this issue
  8. [quote name='bob_pickard' post='893180' date='Jul 12 2010, 08:56 PM']I've got one somewhere from Ethel <- I swapped mine for a fender de luxe as the telecaster one is rubbish, I'll have a look in my bags and stuff and see if I can find it - if I can you can have it. I'd get a better one if I were you tho! Bob[/quote] Thanks for your help guys, much valued.
  9. Any of you guys know where I can get a Telecaster Bass bridge from in the UK?
  10. Azrabella


    I just recently stumbled across this site a few days ago, and my first impression - er' I'm impressed! About me... well I'm a 60 year old fart that has justgot back into playing after a layoff of some thirty years -probably longer than a few of you young 'un's are old. Anyway, this gitar thang was recommended as therapy after a life saving operation. I needed to excercise both my brain and finger co-ordination. Well, that bit is all behind me now, but after revisiting the stuff I used to enjoy I got to think bass (I blame Stanley Clarke)... never had one before, so I bit the bullet and bought a Hofner fiddle bass - because I thought "semi-acoustic, wanted one just because I think it is an iconic image, can play without an amp, when needed". Whilst it is a stunning thing to look at, it plays crap (intonation stuff). I'm now waiting on a J-bass - that'll be fun? I'll get to try funky stuff - I'll be an old slapper yet. Anyway, sorry for the waffle, and I hope my time here will be both enjoyable and profitable.
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