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Everything posted by Macka

  1. [quote name='cm261' post='870419' date='Jun 18 2010, 12:48 AM']Hi Sam, Welcome! It's a nice friendly place so no need to be shy. What are you planning for the skull and crossbones bass?[/quote] I only got the skull bass today but my plan is to play it for a bit and then sell it
  2. [quote name='gary mac' post='870888' date='Jun 18 2010, 03:53 PM']Hello dearest daughter, welcome to bass chat. Now you will know what I do with myself all day, so don't tell mum. Also DON'T look in the For Sale sections....you have been warned[/quote] Dont tell mum....... are you mad what happens in Bass Club stays in bass club!!! P.s Funny you should mention the for sale section i can see the bass i want in your profile pic:)
  3. Hi there fellow bass players!!!! When can I actually start calling myself a bass player. I do not feel like I’m good enough to call myself a bass player yet.....In fact I think I should have some of those L plates front and back while I’m playing!!!! See my dad has been playing years, his awesome and can rightly call himself a "bass Player" but when did you all actually call your self’s a bass player? Any ways I’m Samantha (Sam for short) I’m 27 and have been playing bass for about 2 years but only had my own bass for a Year:) Currently I am playing a Fender squier jazz bass which is a little bit too heavy for me so I’m on the lookout for something a little lighter and easy for my little hands to move around on. I have been into a cash and carry today and found a Fender Squier MB-4 Modern Bass Guitar - Skull and Crossbones which will need a lot of work to make it look the part again but its my first project and I’m a little excited by it. Skull and cross bones are not really my thing but it’s all a learning curve and once my project is complete I will trade for a bass more suited to me...... Will let you know how I get on. Looking forward to getting to know you and looking forward to your answers! Sam
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