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Stan The Man

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Everything posted by Stan The Man

  1. [quote name='Stan The Man' post='844494' date='May 21 2010, 06:46 PM']Hello everyone I have just joined today. I am a "Older Member" and not used to this type of communication. I play mainly jazz and I use a Wal Pro11E & a Musicman Stingray with a Markbass amp. Anyway I just wanted to say hello so I will leave it at that for now. Stan.[/quote] Thank you for the welcome massages, I hope to get a real "active" member soon. Stan
  2. Hello everyone I have just joined today. I am a "Older Member" and not used to this type of communication. I play mainly jazz and I use a Wal Pro11E & a Musicman Stingray with a Markbass amp. Anyway I just wanted to say hello so I will leave it at that for now. Stan.
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