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Funky D

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Everything posted by Funky D

  1. Thanks everyone for your suggestions, and well done 7string on your powers of intuition. Deja-vu indeed.
  2. [quote name='Al Heeley' post='824481' date='Apr 30 2010, 11:29 PM']Where exactly is the gap? Has it been shimmed to raise the action (pocket too deep) or is the gap along the sides of the neck? (ie: pocket too wide)[/quote] Hi. It's the gap at the side of the neck, so too wide. I've had someone loosen the neck bolts/screws and attempt to pull the neck into place, but it wouldn't budge. The gap was only discovered after various other attempts to remove fret buzz were unsuccessful. Truss rod relief has been checked and is spot on. Not sure if it's relevant, but the A and D strings aren't equidistant on each side of the fretboard dot markers. There's not a lot in it, but when you look close you can see that the dots get progressively closer to the A string as they go up the fretboard which would suggest that the neck is very slightly askew to the body. Am I heading for an expensive repair or a total write off?
  3. I just bought a fairly new used Stingray and, to my horror, have discovered a gap between the neck and body where they meet, as if the neck pocket is too big. The gap is big enough to slip a business card into. Now I'm assuming that Musicman basses don't leave the factory with such a flaw, so can anyone tell me what's likely to have caused the gap, and if it's fixable. Getting a refund isn't an option, so I'm hoping someone has a solution. Thanks.
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