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Posts posted by thumbo

  1. I've not posted on here in years, maybe 10? My pedalboard is looking the smartest it's been in ages after a thorough clean and rebuild, and I'm chuffed with my new Cioks power supply, so here we go. I can definitely go down a size of pedaltrain with a few flat cables and properly mounting the power supply underneath, but then again, maybe I can make use of this space... 🤔



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  2. I'm in the process of slightly downsizing from a Pedaltrain Novo 32 with a hard case. The Mono Rail medium has caught my eye as it's the right size and I'm looking for a pedalboard with a decent case, but no longer need/want the heft of the hard case. 


    I'm reading pretty mixed opinions on the stock Pedaltrain soft cases, but people seem to rave about the quality of Mono cases in general. Interested to hear if anyone has experience with these Rail boards? How do they compare to the Pedaltrain and is the case as good as people seem to suggest? 

  3. 12 hours ago, admiralchew said:

    I think you may be able to use a CIOKS Stack Flex 4022 (the white / green, centre positive, 2.5mm version) in two 15v outlets: https://cioks.com/accessories/special-flex-cables/stack-flex/


    I've found CIOKS to be extremely responsive with questions so maybe check this with them rather than take a chance at frying your pedal.




    That looks like it'll be just the ticket, thanks! I somehow completely missed that when scrolling through the accessories.

    • Like 1
  4. There's always one awkward pedal isn't there!


    Before buying a new power supply, I'm trying to figure out if I can use an older 30V Rusty Box with a Cioks DC7, and if so, how I'd hook it up. Anyone have experience of this? 


    The Rusty Box manual says... “If using an aftermarket AC Adapter, please be sure that it delivers between 24VDC and 40VDC with a minimum current rating of 100mA. The barrel connector plug coming from the AC Adapter must be center positive.”


    The barrel connector also isn't the standard size, it looks as though it's 5.5/2.5mm. 

  5. 28 minutes ago, bobbass4k said:

    A very fortunate find, though I'm extremely surprised I've not come across you before to be honest, having seen Blacklisters, FOTL, TSPSI and various other bands I'd definitely put you on support bills for over the past few years. Unless I have and forgotten... Which is not entirely unlikely

    Edit - You're from Leeds? I feel very bad now. My new band detection powers have failed me.

    Cheers! We are indeed based in Leeds. We've played with Blacklisters a few times in Leeds and managed to convince Billy to join us on vocals when we played Berlin the year before last, we've played with TSPSI in London and Bristol and we've sort of played with FOTL if playing the same festivals counts (ATG and Wrong fest). To be fair we don't play loads of Leeds gigs though, probably 4 or 5 a year for the last few years. 

  6. 12 hours ago, cheddatom said:

    This is awesome!! I'd love to know the setup for your bass sounds

    Thanks! The previously recorded stuff was all DI'd, with most of the tone coming from a Warwick Thumb into a Fuzzrocious Demon or Rat Tail running into a Rusty Box, then various octave pedals blended in. Lots of the bass parts are double tracked on the recordings. The newest track has more mic'd cab tones, but there's still DI'd bass all through it. 

  7. 4 hours ago, ikay said:

    Don't know how old yours is (or whether version I or II) but this thread from TB mentions that some early batches of RB IIs had defective solder joints which caused some problems - https://www.talkbass.com/threads/gallien-krueger-1001rb-owners-did-they-fix-it-plese-help.179487/

    GK seem to be pretty good at fixing faulty amps so may be worth contacting them. Polar.uk.com handle GK repairs in the UK - https://polar.uk.com/returns-and-warranty-repairs

    Thanks! I'm not 100% on the age of it, but suspect it's a good 5-6 years old. I'll try giving Polar a shout. 

  8. I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what may be the cause of this, or has experienced something similar. I've got a GK 1001RB that's started cutting out intermittently, the blue power protection light comes on and then it makes a few popping noises. Each time this has happened I've switched it off immediately and gone straight for my backup amp. I've taken it to two experience amp techs who can't find a problem with it, but as it stands I can't use it for gigs like this. 

    Any thoughts / insights would be appreciated!


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