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Posts posted by GaryTheBassMan

  1. Hello!!

    I am currently doing my BA and for my professional project I am planning on setting up a tutor service. So I was just wondering if any of you guys who are tutors already could quickly answer a questionnaire about their experience setting up there service?

    Hopefully some of you guys will say yes and then I can send them through on here really wont take long for you to fill them out!! tops 5 minutes!!

    I know most of you are helpful guys so it would really help me if I could get a few people to do these!!


  2. [quote name='tarlump' post='876137' date='Jun 24 2010, 09:09 AM']As a guide you may be interested to know that a few months ago I picked up a brand new OLP Tony Levin (the 'orange' version) from e-bay for £285 delivered. Having said that, they are out of production and the one I got was probably one of the last few to be shipped out of China. Aaaaannnnddddd, they are a blinking good buy for the money!!
    Hope this helps.[/quote]

    Ah the Orange beast, I was almost tempted by that one until I saw this one!!

    So after this revelation how about I drop it to £280 and then depending on your location I will try to sort out some way of getting to who ever wants it?

    I hope that helps!! It really is a beautiful bass to play, just needs a bit more love than I can give it atm!!

  3. [quote name='Bassassin' post='874350' date='Jun 22 2010, 12:38 PM']Just be patient. I've had a Westone Thunder 1 (guitar) for £9, a 1963 Watkins Rapier for about £12, a Tokai-built Hondo Tele & an early 70s MIJ Gibson 335 copy for £30 for both, and plenty more. Car boots are brilliant. :)


    That is a steal!! Im definitely spending more time in the carboots!!

    All I really wanted this for was to practice de-fretting before doing it on the bass I actually want to do it on!! So I think it will hold as it can hurt it if its already that bad!! lol

  4. Hahaha after all this abuse Im starting to feel sorry for the little thing!!

    I sorted out the electronics last night, your not wrong about the tone!! For some reason it overdrives through everything if you have it on full tone!! lol The Body really could be cut from the top of the table and the neck......maybe a table leg? lol Im pretty sure the fretboard is painted on too!! lol but I guess thats just....character?

    Oh well It will be worth the £3 just to piss around on!! lol

  5. [quote name='Bassassin' post='874050' date='Jun 22 2010, 12:04 AM']Cheapo Kay starter thing from the early 70s, probably made in Korea or Taiwan or somewhere they hadn't invented the wheel or discovered fire.

    Probably has accrued a degree of retroid kitschyness conferred upon it by the passage of time but it's still highly likely that any resemblance to a functioning musical instrument is entirely accidental.


    Haha I wasn't far off of the actual value of this bass when I bought it then?

    Aslong as Its safe to butcher Im all good with it! Im sorta starting like how retro it looks though.....which is odd!!

    Never know I may be able to give it some type of function as an instrument again!!

  6. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='874036' date='Jun 21 2010, 11:36 PM']Give you £6 for it 100% profit!!!![/quote]

    haha its pretty "vintage" to say the least!! lol I dont even know if I would feel right selling it for that much!! lol

  7. Hey guys,
    So I was walking around a carboot yesterday and got this for £3! lol Its a Kay I believe!! (what it says on the scratch plate!!) Its the thinnest bass in the world though!! literall about an inch thick, just like a plank of wood!! lol

    Its pretty screwed and needs all the wiring re-done and a new nut!! but Im really fancying de-fretting it as I think it may make a nice fretless (if a little odd)!! But due to it being so screwed I dont have a clue on its tone so I was wondering if anyone knew on here?

    Just wanted to make sure Im not destroying something someone might want before I do anything!! lol


  8. So due to a severe lack of money and being told that I have to get rid of some of my basses as I want a fretless I'm gonna put my OLP Tony Levin MM3 up for sale or trade. It is a bass wood body (I believe) with a quilted maple top (which is beautiful), tortoise shell scratchplate and a maple neck with another quilted maple veneer on the headstock.

    If I remember correct when I got this they said that this model is fitted with genuine Musicman pups, which sound good but lack something in tone compared to my Stirling so I wouldn't say they are as high a quality Musicman or not. Maybe this could be resolved with an upgrade of the pots though? It currently is active with a three band EQ which gives a good scope for tone. For its price range I think its by far the best sounding of all the basses I have played (but I am a musicman lover I guess) and plays really well as long as you don't mind the weight.

    It's in pretty good condition but there is a nasty scratch on the back (pictured) and it needs a re-solder around the jack area!! (which come to think of it could actually be the poor battery in it) lol but if needs be I can do that if you want, I meant to get around to it ages ago but everything has been a bit hectic lately!! This will probably not be a huge problem though as I have noticed everyone tends to buy these with the intent to upgrade the electronics anyway!!

    This is a great bass though and if I could afford too it would be kept and upgraded as I have seen some really nice modded OLPs floating around!! With woods like this one it would be an absolute peach as well!!

    I was thinking around the £260 price just because I dont really know how much these go for but it is definitely worth that to me!! I would also be interested in any trades for a fretless bass, lined preferably!

    I often venture up towards Portsmouth/Brighton way too so if you want to have a look I can always take it with me!! And depending on your location I will also consider some way of getting it to you!

    I dont really know what else to say about it!! lol any questions give me a shout and I'll get some sound clips up soon!!

    For more pictures including the scratch on the back follow the link below!!



  9. I got a samson aswell, they are alright for the money, but I always feel like my tone isn't as good when I use it!!

    And the other day the antenna broke off (Not a clue were to get a new one so may just improv one) but it still works, goes to show the build quality though!! lol

    My friend has one of the ashdown ones and they sound great, not sure what the price tag is on it though!! Im just gonna stick to my leads I think! lol

  10. That is really simular, probably was from one of them! lol mine doesn't look like its ever had anything actually put on it though, maybe straight from the factory?

    ill have a look


  11. Okay so I have this crazy body which has been laying around for a while and a load of electronics too. BUT I'm missing a neck and I cant really put any old neck in a pocket like this!! I really fancy a fretless bass so I'm thinking maybe I should try to make one......

    On the other hand I dont wanna go around ruining pieces of wood and would rather like something I could play so do you guys know of any type of bass I could cannibalise to get one or anyone who could make one which wont burn too large a hole in my pocket (Im a poor student after all).

    Either way any ideas would be greatly appreciated!! :)

    Oh and if you have any idea were this body may have come from or who made it, that could be useful too!!

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