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Posts posted by gman0001

  1. [quote name='gman0001' post='806605' date='Apr 14 2010, 10:11 PM']I said everyone has a stress related condition, yours simply isn't RSI. Thats like saying i'm stressed but I dont have irritable bowels syndrome! NOT EVERYONE WHO IS STRESSED GETS IT. Same as not everyone gets the hives. Or tension headaches or panic attacks from stress.

    Maybe you have erectile dysfuncion? thats stress related. :)

    Stress, emotional trauma = condition.

    May it be physical like IBS/eretile dysfuntion/the hives/panic attacks. Or may it be psycological like anxiety or depression.

    If you really want to argue you will have to read up mate. =/[/quote]

    Well i've planted a seed. I wont be coming back, I really dont want to argue with anyone.... I just hope someone benefits from reading the book! =)

    Best of luck everyone, including the flamers :rolleyes:

  2. [quote name='arsenic' post='806561' date='Apr 14 2010, 09:37 PM']Ok....

    Stressed? - Yep!
    Played for over 30 years? - Yep!
    RSI? - Nope!

    - well that's blown that one out of the water -

    "Fear will get you in the end" - all reading this book will do is make a real health issue worse, and lower your bank balance by £5.00

    Maybe if I read it, the nerves in my neck that are crushed beyond repair, will magically get better - A five quid book that can better the marvels of medical science - I don't think so

    This book just sounds like another one of those new-age fluffy bunny schemes to make money.....next thing he will tell us is that using a leach as a supository will cure in-grown toenails

    Anybody who would set up a website to "spread the word" about this miricle cure is obviously a danger to society - an idiotic scheme like this could do irreprable damage to dozens of people who actually believe this BS.[/quote]

    I said everyone has a stress related condition, yours simply isn't RSI. Thats like saying i'm stressed but I dont have irritable bowels syndrome! NOT EVERYONE WHO IS STRESSED GETS IT. Same as not everyone gets the hives. Or tension headaches or panic attacks from stress.

    Maybe you have erectile dysfuncion? thats stress related. :)

    Stress, emotional trauma = condition.

    May it be physical like IBS/eretile dysfuntion/the hives/panic attacks. Or may it be psycological like anxiety or depression.

    If you really want to argue you will have to read up mate. =/

  3. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='806524' date='Apr 14 2010, 09:09 PM']Hey, check it out, someone signed up on the forum just to defend this book. He's even going to start his own website with how it saved his life!

    Oh, and anyone flaming him will get RSI.

    I'm not even going to try and make a constructive post, the two (probably one in all reality, people don't randomly find and join forums to jump into a thread about a book) people (person) defending it are quite obviously giving bad advice by advising anything apart from going to the doctor about it.[/quote]

    Dude did you even read the "washing hands" article.... :) jesus... doctors are human, they can be wrong too.... Plus the guy who wrote the book is a doctor... and he is a proffessor at New york school of medicine.... graduated from columbia medical school, one of the best medical schools in the world.

    all im trying to say, this book saved my playing career, when conventional treatment failed. You may loose £5 ... but i lost hundreds on physio.... maybe thousands on treatment. =/

  4. [quote name='Johnston' post='799045' date='Apr 7 2010, 06:41 PM']I just get pins needles numbness general aches and pains in my lower arms, days the strength just completely goes from them. Sometimes when playing I get a clicking in my wrist. Even with a 34" on my knee I can feel it kicking in if doing any stretches .

    My shoulders have been mentioned but they reckoned they'd check the nerve in my elbows first which was done a year ago. It's been a whole fiasco since the day I first got referred to a consultant 4 years ago. Plus been tested for the usual MS arthritis etc etc, then had them drop hints at that fibromythingy mic wotsit!!![/quote]

    haha they told me I could have fribromyalgia too :) funnily that condition is very mysterious for doctors... no none cause... although it being linked to emotional factors... aparently stress makes it worst.... lol............ ......

    oh another funny quote from my physio.... "when the person sues (the company) they never get better" me: "you mean the mind can affect wether the person gets well or not?" physio: "oh yes"

    :rolleyes: so if i break my leg at work and the doctor puts a cast on... If I sue my company for sh*t working enviroment... my leg wont get better? the bone wont heal? wwwww tttttt fffffffffff :lol:

  5. [quote name='cheddatom' post='799613' date='Apr 8 2010, 11:03 AM']That seems quite definitive, thanks. I wouldn't know if it applies to me as I have no idea if it's tendonitis. My GP said "rest it, it's strained". I paid to see some osteopaths, and they said that my wrists are too thin for my tendons, and so they get strained. No idea what the implications are. They told me to increase strength in my wrist but every time I try to w*** it just hurts more.[/quote]

    OK everyone here took this post the wrong way. First of all to dismiss a theory you must learn about it, e.g. read the damn book. then you can fully understand it and well then make your mind up, criticise it, mock it... w/e.... not doing so, is like saying you hate custard without ever trying it, but just from hearing a description....

    now here's my 50 cents.... I have been through the nightmare that is rsi. I have recovered 100%. I can now play guitar as much as I bloody well please and without worrying about rsi striking again. pfft

    I had to deal with dropping out of music uni, and going through 7 months of physiotherapy, doctors, acupunture, massage, stretching... I had to stop playing guitar, stop using the computer and come home.

    7 months later, when i was supose to be "cured" I started playing a little bit... only 15 mins or so... and well within the 1st week of playing I get the horrible pain again. The physio said, "some ppl just dont ever recover" "its tricky, you never know the outcome" This is a load of sh*t and while searching for another treatment I bumped into this book... I was skeptical but desperate... so I bought it and it took me roughly about a month to be pain free and ive been pain free for like 5 months.

    here's the thing I would have NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS picked up this book at the start. NEVER. I would have laughed and said it was a load of bollocks. I only tried it because I had nothing else to do. I was desperate and in a lot of pain.... I would have taken up anything that could have help... and i'm bloody greatfull I found this book.

    so to anyone who is suffering from rsi, or is affraid of rsi.... please read the book, you dont even have to buy it. You can get a copy from the library. Or read the stories online of ppl who have recovered using this theory. I will soon be making my own website with my story. You have nothing to loose.

    If overuse of muscles really lead to injury... imagine.... would steve vai really be playing? (15 hours a day) Would there be any musicians (apart from lady gaga) around? :rolleyes:

    Conventional medicine blames rsi pain on INVISIBLE micro-tears and inflamation.... invisible... the "inflamation" is not like when you sprain a wrist or an ankle or bump your head. The arm appears normal. Hey maybe the inflamation is not there? ---- Is this theory really that credible?

    and keeping this in mind... you might find this medical story quiet interesting, It talks about basically a doctor in the 19th century who's theory was ridiculed but eventually ended up saving millions of lifes and to this day his theory is still being used.:

    it just shows you, how new ideas and theorys are easily dismissed at first.

    how hard is it to understand that your brain produces physiological changes (changes in you body) ... what about ppl who get hives from stress... or sweaty hands when nervous... or what do you think happens when you blush?.... or get lots of spots due to stress.... or hairloss... or weight problems like anorexia or bulimia... or irritable bowel syndrome.... headaches ... or stomach ulcers....

    EVERYONE suffers from some sort of stress related condition. Why not RSI?

    to end, if you're interested.... you might want to read the harvard students rsi site. it was both conventional and mindbody theorys. just look it up on google.

    if you type "conquer rsi or rsi recovery sarno" on google you will also find plenty of sites that where created by ppl who have recovered using sarnos theory.

    also just to be clear, the pain is not "in ur mind" thats bollocks... you look at someone whos suffering from stress related hives, for example (a really bad skin condition) and the condition is not in they're mind.... its induced by it.

    Anywhoo, I hope this helps someone who's suffering! And to the flamers.... If you guys dont wise up, you WILL get rsi! Trust me. I've been there. Fear will get you in the end. So become informed...


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