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Posts posted by JohnSlade07

  1. I've recently put a new set of strings on my MIM Precision and have noticed that I get a buzzing when fretting the 7th and 8th fret on the A string. All the other strings seem fine and I can set the action fairly low, however, I'm having to set the A string much higher to avoid the buzzing.

    What's the best way of curing this? Do I need to loosen the truss rod to provide some relief?



  2. The plan is to get the lead guitarist (who also sings backing vocals) to give us a guide vocal which the bass and drums can play to. I've done a reasonable amount of recording in the past, just never done it like this before and can't help thinking it might sound a little stilted. Then again it's only a function band recording and we are pretty tight/experienced so worth a go I suppose.

  3. In your experience is it possible to put down bass, guitar and drum tracks without the lead singer being present to act as a guide? Personally I think it sounds like a receipe for a wasted few hours, however, the rest of my band seem to think it will work and that the singer can come along and overdub his vocals afterwards. The lead guitarist and backing singer has said he will provide some vocal guidance as it were.

    Just interested to hear your opinions/experiences.

  4. Thanks guys. As long as it works that's fine. Unlikely (touch wood) to need to use it like that anyway. Out of interest are the amp models/effects on the B2.1U much different from the basic B1?

  5. Excuse my ignorance but could use my Zoom B1 pedal as a fallback should my amp fail i.e. run a 1/4 inch jack to jack from the Zoom to the PA and plug my bass into the unit. Obviously wouldn't be the greatest sound but better than no sound atall.


  6. I've always loved Entwistle's sound on the original Quadrophenia album. Any ideas how he got that tone on the Real Me, Punk & The Godfather etc - the lovely' full deep growl? Obviously I'm not trying to replicate his sound (even if I could get close wouldn't really work in my cheesy function band), just curious that's all.


  7. I tried one at the London Guitar Show a couple of years ago. Really liked it. Good basic sound, quite punchy, seemed well made etc. Was quite tempted to buy one myslef until I realised I couldn't justify it and my wife would crucify me. I've got a review in an old edition of BGM somewhere. Very positive if I remember. Will dig it out when I get chance.

  8. One of my favourite players. Manages to be both driving and soulful at the same time. Great fat sound as well. She Caught the Katy is a brilliant line. I have been listening to Otis Redding/Sam & Dave etc for twenty years and still love his bass playing.

  9. I can relate to a lot of what you say. I suppose it's about striking a balance between pushing yourself so that you don't go stale/get bored and being satisfied with who you are and what you can do well as a bass player. I've tried to learn jazz/slap/tapping etc in the past and always got disenchanted after a few weeks. Partly because I don't actually really like those styles enough to put in the commitment and time and partly because I couldn't ever see myself using them (and realistically haven't got the talent either). At the age of nearly 40 I'm happy playing in a decent function band with guys who are friends and embracing the fact that I'm a pretty solid, meat and potatoes bassist.

    Rather than trying to achieve something unrealistic I now try and think of ways of adding something fresh to the songs I play in my band. OK I might have to play Stuck In The Middle for the umpteenth time but I don't have to play it the same way. There's always a slightly different rhythmn or feel I can put in. That way it maintains my interest and the punters/bandmates are happy.

  10. Showing my age (and tastes) here but IMHO Led Zeppelin II for a masterclass in rock/blues rock, an Aretha Franklin greatest hits that covers the late 60s/early 70s stuff for some top soul bass playing courtesy of Chuck Rainey, Jerry Jemmott etc, an Elvis Costello comp for Bruce Thomas, Live at Leeds for supercharged Entwhistle.

  11. Thanks for the advice guys. I shall start experimenting! I think part of the problem is that I dial in a sound that sounds great at home and then try using it with a full band playing to a 150 people in a room with rubbish acoustics. Still I guess it takes time to get used to a new piece of equipment.

  12. I've recently bought an Ashdown Evo II Bass Magnifier head. Having used it on a couple of gigs I'm having trouble getting a sound that I like. Typically it sounded great in the shop but played with a full band (not an especially noisy one by any means) it seems to lack any definition and to be really boomy. I realise it's not supposed to be a hi-fi sounding amp but surely there must be a happy medium. Are there any tips you could suggest to get a more defined/less boomy sound?

    Much appreciated.

  13. Common requests include:

    Dancing Queen
    Achey Breaky Heart
    Sweet Home Alabama
    Smoke On The Water (no really!).

    The lowest point was being asked to learn The Birdie Song for a wedding we were playing. That really sapped my will to live.

    It always amazes me how people won't take "I'm sorry we don't know that one, no none of us, honestly we've never played it, we don't have a full brass/string section, 2 female singers or a keyboard player" as an answer and repeatedly say "Oh go on. Can't you just give it a go?". I think they get us confused with a DJ, or Karoke.

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