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Playing the Fiddlers Elbow in Camden tonight.


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This band (To The Dogs) isn't my main band as I only joined a few months ago, but my other band is too lazy so this is the only one I get many gigs with. It's not as funky as i'd like it to be but our singer Joe is a great songwriter and it's still fun to play.

Just letting you guys know if anyone wants to drop in for a bit and support a fellow basschatter. I'll be using my stingray as i've only just got new strings for my jazz today and they might sound a bit bright.

Other bands playing are 'Alex Body' and 'The International Christian Playboys'. Haven't heard either of them but it should be a bit of fun anyway.

Hopefully see some of you there but if not no worries,


Edited by mathewsanchez
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Just some info on how the gig went. Sound guy was brilliant and such a nice guy to work with. The performance itself went well and it was a lot of fun.

However at the end the *!@?*%!! of an owner refused to pay us a penny. Considering we drove two hours there and back and played a gig which made him money on ticket sales and drinks bought (there was about 40 people there paying £5 each plus drinks sold at a very busy bar) I think it's just plain nasty.

I'd recommend people keep away if they're offered any gigs there to avoid this absolute larcenist crook.

I've tried to restrain my language here as it is a public forum but I really am outragedand hope noone else here has the same problem.

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[quote name='mathewsanchez' post='435176' date='Mar 15 2009, 01:11 PM']Just some info on how the gig went. Sound guy was brilliant and such a nice guy to work with. The performance itself went well and it was a lot of fun.

However at the end the *!@?*%!! of an owner refused to pay us a penny. Considering we drove two hours there and back and played a gig which made him money on ticket sales and drinks bought (there was about 40 people there paying £5 each plus drinks sold at a very busy bar) I think it's just plain nasty.

I'd recommend people keep away if they're offered any gigs there to avoid this absolute larcenist crook.

I've tried to restrain my language here as it is a public forum but I really am outragedand hope noone else here has the same problem.[/quote]

Did he say he'd pay you before the gig then?

We play the London toilet venue scene, and I don't think we've ever been paid a penny. We don't expect to be. As an originals band, we just expect to play for free, maybe a couple of beers if we're really lucky.

Maybe we're mugs, but I was kinda under the impression that if you play London venues and your an originals band, then you ain't getting paid.

We've got a gig on saturday. We'll probably take 50 people with us. Tickets are a tenner (yep, a tenner!). And althought we've been told we'll see a whopping £2 a ticket, I'll believe it when I see it.

If I wanted to make money I'd be playing covers.

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yes played there last year the place is a joke
We booked a gig there they said they would make it a ''Metal night'' and we would be the headline act and were promised a big chunk of cash from door fees
so we drove over 2 hours to get there
the guy on the door was a nob and wouldnt even let us hold the doors open to carry kit through so had to carry amps through the entrace while holding the door.
it then turned out the 3 band event was now a 5 band event with us being nocked down the lineup by the other band
which we didnt really mind but then after the first few bands over run and we were being rushed on stage and had no time to set up.
We then played 2 tracks at about 5 mins each when he said make it the last one so we did then half way through our track during a quiet interlude part the manager turned the lights on and told us we had to stop playing or the other band wont have any time .
and we were supposed to be headlining
so the 20 or so people we brought up to see us were not happy after paying to get in.
and the other bands bar one other in this ''metal night '' were about as close to metal or even rock as the bloody scissor sisters
and we also didnt get a penny of the promised cash
Fiddlers elbow is the most ammature and un professional venue i have played dont waste ur time booking there
Its such a shame so many promoters over cram nights with totally different bands just to get more cash

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