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An unusual one for you - Ibanez LO-FI LF7


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I'm selling my Ibanez Tonelok LF7 Lo-Fi pedal to make room for a few recent purchases. There are plenty of YouTube demo's out there, here are a couple to kick off:



[b]The blurb:[/b]
[i]"The first dedicated filter pedal for the guitar, the LF7's voltage controlled analog high and low pass filters allow you to emulate transistor radio and megaphone type sounds. Best used at the end of a signal chain in combination with other pedals, this ticking time bomb creates wide soundscapes of far out tones that previously required a massive rack of vintage analog electronics. The Lo-Fi also performs equally well with vocals, drum machines or in any "mix-down" context".[/i]

[b]Drive[/b] - Controls the amount of distortion. Distortion will increase when the knob is turned to the right.
[b]Lo Cut Frequency[/b] - Sets the frequency at which the low range will be cut (80Hz - 1kHz). Turning the knob to the right will raise the cutoff frequency, simulating the sound of a small speaker.
[b]Hi Cut Frequency[/b] - Sets the frequency at which the high range will be cut (1kHz - 10kHz). Turning the knob to the left will lower the cutoff frequency, producing a muffled sound.
[b]Level[/b] - Controls the overall volume of the pedal. Volume is increased when turned to the right and decreased when turned to the left.
[b]Mode[/b] - Switch the type of sound and input.
GUITAR: Warm sound suitable for guitar
DRUMS: Sound suitable for a music source such as drum machine or CD
MIC : The input will be boosted so that a mic can be connected directly. The boost will occur even when the effect is off.

This pedal is in great condition and is only a few months old.

£40.00 posted or trade for Big Muff Bass.


Edited by Walker
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