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Acoustic 126 100W 15" Combo


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Hi all!

A friend asked me to come over and see if an old amp he's found "is worth anything". Went and had a look and it turns out to be a dusty old Acoustic 126 which is rated at 100 watts and is loaded with a 15" speaker. I confess I've never heard an Acoistic amp in full swing but I gather there's a decent following for them amongst those in the know.

Now, I didn't plug it in and I have no idea if it works not at all or flawlessly. I have to admit that the UK plug and the 120v written at the power socket is, at best, a concern. I twisted all the pots and sliders and they all feel great but that means nothing at this point I guess.

Despite being in the market for an amp, this is exactly what I'm not looking for. For all I know, this is the holy grail of amp-ness but I am much more interested in a small, portable head/cab. However, I'm keen to help my friend out and to help get this wee beastie to a loving home if there's interest out there.

So, I'm putting this up here just now to see if there's any interest. I plan on making another trip to plug n' play and give it a wee dusting and I'll update here again after that. The amp is in Glasgow, by the way, but can be boxed up, ready to ship anywhere.

I honestly have to idea of the value to put on this. So, because I have to, we'll call it £200 and if that's too high (or low!), you be sure to tell me!


Edited by Cade
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