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Posts posted by Omen

  1. It just dawned on me: during my morning preparation I could listen to some sort of excercise on my mp3 player to give my aural skills a boost. Does anyone know of any such free thing? Would it actually help, or must you learn from the bass itself for it to be useful?


  2. I have a sort of audition for a band on Monday and I've always had a problem with Jamming and coming up with my own stuff. So I'm wondering what modes and/or keys are best for Soft Rock type songs so I can practise my ass off, and also what basslines I could learn that would really impress them. I already have Money by Pink Floyd down...not really impressive, but damn good.


  3. Cheers for all the replies. As suggested, I'll take it slow and do it to the 5th fret first.

    [quote]Write out the note names from A to G, ignoring sharps and flats for the moment, several times, cut them into squares and put them into a bag.

    Write out the string names, E, A, D and G, several times and cut them into squares. Put them in another bag.

    Give both bags a shake, then pick a bit of paper from both bags. Try to find the note on the string that's specified.[/quote]

    I will definitely be trying that out in the future!

  4. I've looked round the forum and can't find any duplicate posts, so I apologise if there actually is one!

    I've been told by my bass tutor that learning the fretboard is very important, and I totally agree with him, I just don't know how to go about it. I grabbed myself a piece of paper and drew out a fretboard with the notes inside them and just memorise, but something tells me this isn't the best way to go about it!

    Does anyone have any tips?


  5. S'alright now. I've hooked my bass up to a small amp that i havent used in a while and hooked that to the PC. Working a charm, though a bit crispy, it's alright until i get some funds up.

    Cheers for the replies.

  6. Hello good people (yes, i stole that greeting!). I come with a problem, so here comes a chance to warm up those muscular brain tissues of yours.

    I'm playing an Ibanez SR1000 EFM jacked up to the PC and using Audacity to record with. The sound is definitely coming through because i can hear it! But the problem is that it's way too quiet. I've tried going into volume control and boosting the Line In, but that just makes it louder through the speakers, not the recording.

    Anybody know a solution?


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