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Posts posted by fissurette

  1. [quote name='TomRichards' post='1218681' date='May 3 2011, 03:16 PM']Resurrecting this thread. The latest production run of the Brubaker Brutes is being handled through APINTL. That is Andy Papiccio, former principal in the original Kramer company and also the current head of all things Floyd Rose. Kevin Brubaker is personally involved as well.

    I've known Andy since high school and I had a chance to play some of the new Brutes last week at his showroom. Maybe the best import bass I've ever played with the exception of the Aria Pro II SB series from the late 1970's and early 1980's.

    The action on the bass was good out of the box, the sound was exceptional. Upgrading the electronics and tweaking the set up wil absolutely give you a dirt cheap, great quality, gig worthy bass.

    I'm going to buy two as soon as the complete production run comes in, so that I no longer have to cry when some drunk guy in the bar spills his cheap Budweiser all over my Kubickis or Steinbergers.

    Tom Richards
    Founding Partner, LIX Music Creation and Produciton[/quote]

    I just saw your reply...
    Actually I replaced the jb Pick up that sounded a bit empty in the mid range, and too mutch modern to me.
    I placed a "Crel" jb and replaced the pre amp by a 3 eq Glockenklang... although I still have any little trouble when I mix the too pick ups, the tune is now very warm and precise, a bit like an good old 70's JB with more precision... I advice the same ! The next step is the MM pick up replacement with a MM from Crel's I guess, but I will do it when the wallet will permet it...

    Indeed now I have a 5 string bass with a very light weight and a very great sound, the most confortable neck I 've never seen, with many possibilities of sound, with a on/off preamp...for the price, I'm quite satisfied !!!
    I just need to fix that problem with pick up selector... I thinck that the point is that the original pick ups have a special alimentation mode inside...

  2. [quote]They are only about $500 in the States. Far too expensive over here.Having said that a
    'real' Brubaker costs in the region of $4000.
    They're reviewed in the current issue of Bass Player.[/quote]

    4000 or 5000 $ ones don't have many things to deal with a 500 one...

    But anyway, it's great bass. Although It deserves better pickup.
    When I see what's proposed in store... I have got no regret to have bought mine.

  3. [quote name='7string' post='672637' date='Dec 3 2009, 12:04 AM']The Brutes are getting rave reviews over on TB, but compare the UK eBay prices to the USA. We're about £300 more expensive!

    Owners of Brutes are loving the playability and upgrading the electronics and changing the pickguard. The bass is front-routed all the way under the pickguard, so there isn't the option of removing it like you can on a Jazz for example. Also it's wood and about 3 times as thick as a regular one. Replacement pickguardsare being made in a range of colors.

    As [b]erisu[/b] said the basses are made in China. They then go to Brubaker HQ to get setup and shipped out. Looks like Kevin Brubaker is really hands on with this new project. Customers are raving about the personal service they are getting when they call the shop.[/quote]

    Hello everybody,
    I actually bought a BB and if you have any questions about that don't hesitate.
    I Bought it from the same shop of the posted pictures up from this page there's a mounth go.So I paid the "European" price and now that I got it I can tell it's a really pretty bass (very fast neck, light weight, nice ergonomics), but it may be yet a bit expensiver for what it is.

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