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Posts posted by CYDbass

  1. Well, I went for the Maplin one and I'm plesently surprised :)
    Apart from it being rather much of a big bugger (a lot larger than I was expecting anyway...insert your own gag here...) it seems very good.
    Solid case, little or no hum. Rated at 75mA per output and for my individual stompboxes that's fine. A good verdict then :rolleyes:

  2. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='756621' date='Feb 24 2010, 11:17 PM']Um... ...if people go around forming theories they might discover Basschat is in fact a front for the New World Order. That's really unfair because we haven't cornered the distribution market in foil hat sales yet...or towels. So...d'ya think we could keep it a secret for now? :rolleyes:[/quote]

    Oooohhh right ok, I got it :)
    No mention of this to your competitors in the foil hat and towel sale market then. Understood :lol:

  3. Another thing i forgot to say in my last post...
    The mods have established both accounts belong to maddude, so did he set up the second one purely with the intention of starting a scam? That was the main thing that hit me when thinking about this thread. People say he even did business with other BC'ers on the second account, was the whole thing just biding his time until he could pull a trick?
    Clearly there's no way to prove that without an explanation from the man himself, but what other reasons could there be? It really confuses me to think about it that way. Just...why?
    Curious if anyone else has theories on the matter.

  4. Only found out about the whole story from this thread but wow.
    How low can a man sink?

    Everytime unusual stories turn up on forums they are questioned and usually proved to be true (in my experience - speaking of the Arthur "Butch" Porter story from Talkbass that I'm sure a few people will have heard about!) but to find one like this that really was a scam, unbelievable. How can he sleep at night?

    Kudos to the mods and especially to those who donated :)

  5. [quote name='escholl' post='754453' date='Feb 22 2010, 10:05 PM']Not to confuse things more, but I don't know if anyone has mentioned [url="http://www.johnnyshredfreak.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=8&products_id=12&zenid=82894faf24f38baa0e44724e9b9eed23"]this one[/url]?[/quote]

    Hmmmm yeah that does give me another option. I do remember seeing that page before actually. Not sure if I'd like a daisy chain rather than a brick. But I'll look into it, thanks!

  6. I looked at the one from Maplins and initially thought the same as a few here, you must really only get what you pay for at £19. But since reading the couple that said it was ok (combined with my local music shop telling me they were out of stock of power banks and would be for a month) I think I'll take the plunge on one! Will report back tomorrow if I get the chance to go to Maplin! Thanks for the advice everyone, for a first power brick I think I'll risk it :)

  7. I've got a Lomenzo Hyperdrive too. Had it a few months, no issues like previously mentioned, and I'm really liking it.
    Blend knob is a good feature, allows you to dial in some clean tone, not that this pedal is lacking in low end at all.
    Using the onboard input control with the drive helps you to get a good light distortion up to some pretty strong overdrive. I wouldn't say it can get [i]really[/i] nasty though, but does everything you can reasonably need in a band setting. I'd definitely recommend one, despite the size and surprsing weight, great price though, got mine for £50.

  8. [quote name='Musky' post='718734' date='Jan 20 2010, 09:17 AM']Very strange! Your posts seem to consist of the html encodings for the characters rather than the characters themselves. :) No idea what is causing that, but you could ask for some help in the Forums Issues section.

    Oh, and welcome to basschat! :lol:[/quote]

    Well that was a good start wasnt it!
    Now I'm back on my proper computer it appears to be fine :rolleyes: God knows.

    Thanks for the welcomes everybody :lol:

  9. [quote name='jamesbass116' post='718273' date='Jan 19 2010, 07:20 PM']it looks like a peavey?
    am i right? haha[/quote]

    Indeed you are James, just beat you to it haha!

  10. God knows what’s gone on with the font changing here...My netbook cearly has a mnd of its own, changing the font in the reply box doesnt o anything either. How strange. What a good start to using Basschat haha!

  11. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='718188' date='Jan 19 2010, 06:20 PM']Aye welcome!

    What's that bass in your avatar?[/quote]

    [font="Arial"]Apologies, I didn't mention what I used in the introduction.
    Its a Peavey Millenium, the active one and is my first decent bass, the one I began playing on being an awful starter pack model. Standard apart from new strings and a 3 position switch to replace the blender knob.
    I believe mine is now the 'old model' as they're is a new one out. It's the one without the matching headstock :)

    And for what its worth, I don't own my own amp (money is tight at 17!) but I do play through a GLX Bass EQ, a Boss DS-2 Turbo Distortion and an Ashdown Lomenzo Hyperdive. That is a list that is due to expand any time soon too :D[/font]

  12. Hi All :rolleyes:

    I am a bass player of about 2 and a half years, a member of Talkbass.com for about a year, and for some reason unknown even to myself I have only just joined Basschat today.
    Since it's a UK site it baffles me as to why I've never joined before, but hey, here I am :lol:

    Anyhow, where are my manners? My name is Matty Holland, im 17 years old (18 in 2 weeks...argh!) and am a 6th Form student in Coventry. Studying Maths, Physics and ICT and moving onto a degree in Computer Science in September.
    I play bass and sing backing vocals in a band called Consult Your Doctor (N.B. There are no Doctors in the band, the name was just amusing :lol: ) with two friends and have been doing so for nearly 2 years. We are a cover band at present, maybe moving onto originals in the future but studies have to come first i suppose :)!
    We play a vareity of Rock music, from Muse to ZZ Top, through Rage Against The Machine, Blink-182 and The Offspring.

    I guess that's my introduction done, thanks for reading :lol:

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