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Posts posted by danydan

  1. Hi everyone! yes can try to make mp3 file. I leave in Paris and i will be to London Thursday and Friday until Saturday in the morning.. i will try to make mp3 file tomorrow..
    Thank you for your nice comments

    It's a very good bass...very nice sound, beautiful B sound ! PENSA SOUND!!! and yes i'm sad to sell it but i have several basses and other Pensa too. I can't use them all so i decide to sell.


  2. Hi,
    For Sale is my Pensa Custom J-535 Jazz-Bass (year 2003)

    [*]Color: Blonde
    [*]Condition: Used (2003)
    [*]Description: 5 string fretted Pensa Bass
    [*]Swamp ash body
    [*]Mapple neck
    [*]Rosewood fingerboard. 35" scale
    [*]Pensa Preamp With 5 strings Lindy Fralin Jazz-Bass pickup set
    [*]Gold Hipshot Style "A" convertible bridge and Hipshot tuners.

    This bass has a real beautiful sound with Low B

    Price: 2800 Euros[list]

  3. [quote name='thodrik' post='986837' date='Oct 13 2010, 01:29 PM']Umm, okay? I was commenting on Fender eq circuits in general, not on this custom model, which I never really been totally sold on compared to other campanies. I'm sure its an amazing bass that I could make to sound in my own way, but for that money I would be more likely to buy a bass built to my own specifications, rather than to Marcus Miller's, or failing that buy a genuine 1970s jazz, fit a badass on it and insert a Sadowsky preamp. That just me though, I'm just against having someone else's name on 'my' instrument, other than the person that built it. To me it just says that I'm either just copying or following in someone else's footsteps and that whatever I do in music, I'll never be as good as the person whose name is on the bass. I know that is total rubbish, but it is the way that my warped mind thinks. Obviously, I'm not the market that this bass is aimed for.[/quote]Hello Thodrick, i think in your way generally, so i really understand what you mean... I just speak about this MM master built because i try it and i can say it's a real very good bass, and try to say people who can, buy it because it' will be a collector bass. I win anything to say that

    Keep on groovin'

  4. [quote name='thodrik' post='986222' date='Oct 12 2010, 09:50 PM']Well, at least it has a Badass!

    I'm sure its a great bass, for the collectors obviously. For £4600 I would probably want my dream bass though, rather than Marcus Miller's. I tried one of the Japanese (I think they were anyway) models a while ago though, and was fairly impressed. This was before I had tried Sandbergs and Sadowskys though, I'm guessing that if I tried one again, my opinion of the Fender eq circuit wouldn't be as high as it was then.[/quote]
    Euh !! it's not a Fender preamp inside; the preamp is important ok, but before the preamp the wood and the built is amazing; the built quality of this bass is closer of a Sadowsky US and the sound too in his own way (Fender way but in my opinion you can sound it in your own way, like Marcus Miller does)

  5. Hello everybody! I know the discussion is since November 2009 but i want you know about the Marcus Miller Master Built :

    This bass sound AMAZING actif, passif it's very very AMAZING, i looked this bass since 2009 in France, and said my Reuissue 75 US + good sadowsky, or bartolini preamp will sound like the Marcus Miller Master Built: No, No, No believe me it's not the same bass

    The Marcus Miller Master Built sounding VERY VERY VERY AMAZING. the sound is very easy to produce, and the bass gives you inspiration if you see what i mean; The only question i wonder me is why this bass is so perfect, where, what is the difference between the original bass of Marcus Miller and the others Fender Jazz-bass of the same year; may be Marcus asked the luthiers, among them R Sadowsky, to do "specials stuffs" for him; i heard, saw him said that his bass his not perfect but it's HIS BASS (Special sound !?);

    The Marcus Miller Master Built Jazz-bass i tried in France is closer to the real Marcus Miller Jazz-bass sound no doubt !!!



  6. [quote name='Sonic_Groove' post='722399' date='Jan 23 2010, 07:09 PM']No one voted for this guy yet so here is the great Carles Benavent:

    [/quote] Of course !! check out this Live cd (may be on itune or other) : Sin precedentes Live cd with Carles Benavent, Tino Di Geraldo, and Jorge pardo


  7. [quote name='Clarky' post='715497' date='Jan 17 2010, 11:40 AM']Although I am in general not in favour of fretboard pyrotechnics, I do enjoy the occasional bass solo. Which one(s) are the most well executed, cleverly constructed and beautiful to your ears?

    I am guessing there will be plenty of votes for Willy Week's 'Voices Inside' from the Donny Hathaway live album, Jaco's "A remark you made" and "Havona" and from the punk contingent (Wayne!) Rancid's "Maxwell Murder"

    I will throw in a left-field one - the gorgeous double bass solo on "Topplue, Votter and Skjerf" by Miroslav Vitous on Terje Rypdal's album "To be Continued". Here is a link to a free (slightly lower quality than MP3) version, the solo is at 1:27. Just click on "Prelisten Track" [url="http://ligamusic.com/Lyrics/2943917/Terje_...f/download-mp3/"]http://ligamusic.com/Lyrics/2943917/Terje_...f/download-mp3/[/url][/quote]

    Thank you Clarky ! Very, very, very beautiful song

    check out this cd (may be on itune or other) : Sin precedentes Live cd with Carles Benavent, Tino Di Geraldo, and Jorge pardo


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