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Posts posted by blowmytube

  1. hi.just wandered if anyone has any idea what effects cliff burton used for his solo's etc like anesthesia? i have looked around and all say the tel-ray(morley)power wah boost which i have and an electro harmonix big muff which i also have but i cannot get the sound right at all.if i leave just the boost on the fuzz is pretty close to the sound i want but apparantly i have read both boost and wah are meant to be engaged so when i move the pedal even in the slightest it sounds awfull not like what you hear the solo played by cliff at all.so i wandered if he might have had something else rigged up in the line? i have been putting the big muff before the pedal!
    Thing is the fuzz is pretty close although not perfect im quite happy with it its just the pedal more than anything.with just the boost the fuzz still sounds ok until i use the pedal but with wah activated aswell its just screeching like mad not like the nice screech you hear on the anasthesia solo at all.it just ruins the fuzz totally and doesnt even sound like anything you would ever want to hear lol
    so i tried it the other way around,and got a totally different sound altogether.no feedback or extreme horrible screeching noises everything seemed pretty good although the wah seemed a little weak and only worked in one small position not much sweep of a wah at all but better than it was now,so i wandered if anyone has an oppinion at all or know anything that might help me?

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